30 March 2012

Leveson Inquiry Witness Lists: ( Module 2 ) 2nd - 4th April 2012

Monday 2nd April
Witnesses Appearing:
Mark Burns -Williamson ( Chairman, Association of Police Authorities )
Stewart Gull ( Jersey States Police and Former ACC Suffolk Constabulary )
Paul McKeever ( Chairman, Police Federation )
Nathan Oley ( Head of Press and Public Affairs, Association of Police Authorities )
Neil Wallis ( Formerly of News of the World )

To be Read:
T/AC Russell Middleton ( Operation Reproof, Devon and Cornwall Police )
DCI Brendan Gilmour ( Operation Glade, MPS )

Tuesday 3rd April
Witnesses Appearing:
Derek Barnett ( Police Superintendants Association )
Dr Rob Mawby ( Department of Criminology, University of Leicester )
Lucy Panton ( Formerly of News of the World )
Ed Stearns ( Chief Press Officer, Directorate of Public Affairs, MPS )

To be Read:
Karl Wissgott ( Head of PNC Services, MPIA )

14:00 - 16:30
Directions Hearing for Module 3

Wednesday 4th April
(9:15 start)
Witnesses Appearing:
David Perry QC
Lord MacDonald ( Former DPP )
Keir Starmer ( DPP )

Links to articles, comment and information relevant to the Leveson Inquiry:
Saturday, March 31st:
Sunday, April 1st:

29 March 2012

Leveson Inquiry: Module 2 - Press/Police - Day 18

Lord Justice Leveson
  "The focus of the Inquiry is ‘the culture, practices and ethics of the press’ in the context of the latter’s relationship with the public, the police and politicians. All of these matters overlap, and my goal must be to consider what lessons, if any, may be learned from past events and what recommendations, if any, should be made for the future, in particular as regards press regulation, governance and other systems of oversight."

Module 2 

"The relationship between the press and the police and the extent to which that has operated in the public interest."

Useful Links:
Leveson Inquiry Witness Statements HERE 
Leveson Inquiry Witness Lists HERE
Video Recordings of each day's proceedings HERE
Live Feed From Leveson Inquiry Site HERE
BBC Democracy Live Feed HERE 
Telegraph Live Blog HERE (last Wednesday)
Guardian Live Blog HERE(Last Wednesday)

 Links to today's articles, Blogs, comment and information relevant to the Leveson Inquiry:

ITV News -  Operation Motorman investigation:-
Leveson Inquiry - 10: 12 a.m.-  Lord Justice Leveson commenting on ITN's Operation Motorman investigation and News item last night: 
We're off at #Leveson. The chairman is addressing the private hearing on Operation Motorman files.
Further information in the public domain through ITN. Could have come from a no of source so little value in seeking to find out.

#leveson starts on last night's ITN Motorman report, says his orders remain in place but info cd have come from number of sources

Twitter -  10:14 a.m.:

@TimesCrime - Sean O'Neill
  chief spin doctor Dick Fedorcio has resigned from Scotland Yard

Twitter - 2:19 p.m.:-
#leveson breaking - Fmr Mirror group political ed says "killer email" shows Mirror ed knew about share ramping; Mirror says he's wrong
Fmr political ed "a "killer" email showed "conclusively" Piers Morgan knew what was go; TM existence of email an ’urban myth’
Documents behind that @piersmorgan #leveson claim & denial
Trinity Mirror (via Herbert Smith lawyers letter): critical sment "not credible", "very little weight" shd be placed on its contents
Seymour also describe's @piersmorgan 's mouth as "a notoriously unreliable and boastful source"
 Thursday, 29th March 2012
Link to Day 17 HERE

Today's Witnesses:
Chief Constable Mike Cunningham ( Staffordshire Police )
Ian Fegan ( Head of Corporate Communications, Staffs Police )
Catherine Crawford ( Chief Executive of the Metropolitan Police Authority )
Kit Malthouse ( Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime )
Julie Norgrove ( Director of Audit Risk and Assurance, MPA )
Ben Priestley ( Unison )

CC Mike Cunningham  Witness Statement in Full
Profile - Staffordshire Police 
Chief Constable Probed Over Nepotism Allegations - Mail Online 
Police Sacked for Facebook Posts - Guardian 

Ian Fegan Witness Statement in Full

50 000 Follow Staffordshire Police
BBC News - Staffordshire Police Increases Social Media Presence

Ian Fegan and CC Mike Cunninham interviewed together

Cunningham also responsible for leading ACPO's professional standards portfolio.
 Cunningham: Strategic assesment 2010 showed family, friends and former colleagues higher risk than journos in unlawful disclosure.
Cunningham: Three sets of ACPO guidance on press, hospitality and business interests, in draft form next month.
Cunningham: Staff can be afraid of speaking to the press and we have responsibility to give them the training to do that properly.
Cunningham: Endeavouring to encourage staff of Staffordshire to have an open and professional relationship with local press.
Fegan: Less than five percent of press enquiries are from the national media. 39 percent from three local dailies.
Fegan: Have relationship of trust, confidence and mutual understanding with local media.
Cunningham: Seeking an organic relationship with the press which allows officers to speak about issues close to them.
Cunningham: Accepted lunch of approx £20 during meeting at hotel with editor of the Staffordshire Newsletter in 2010.
Cunningham: "Bad Apple" electronic whisteblowing system allows officers to report wrongdoing by colleagues anonymously.

Cunningham: ACPO to recommend that NO gift ever be sought by a police officer.Hospitality only acceptable at meetings and functions
Cunningham: Corruption and malpractice not endemic or systemic, however action of individuals has been and can be highly damaging
Cunnunigham: I would be very disappointed if all press inquiries were funnelled through the press office

Catherine Crawford   Witness Statement in Full

        Catherine Crawford, CEX MPA, 1st CEX of @AssocPoliceAuth and now CEX of MPOC now being questioned at #Leveson
        operational independence and non involvement 'does not mean (police authority) can't ask questions' of the police.MPA CEX at #leveson
        MPA CEX 'never had any serious doubts about the integrity of Commissioner of Met'
        Met Cmssnr &team 'very uncomfortable' when challenged by MPA over extent of alcoholic hospitality they accepted. MPA CEX at #leveson
        Crawford is former chief exec of the MPA, and remains chief exec of replacement body MOPC. 
        Crawford: Issues arising from inquiry will be taken into account in new governance structures.
        Crawford: Issues arising from inquiry will be taken into account in new governance structures.
        Crawford: MPA protocol was for chair or deputy to respond to media requests. Not to strangle members' criticism.
        Crawford: Occasional inappropriate gossip but never aware of serious leaks.
        Crawford: Never felt any improper pressure put on police by commissioners or chairs to follow a particular line.
        Crawford: Report into leaks from MPA after confidential Hayman briefing found no evidence.
        Crawford: More regular regime for reviewing hospitality registers came in 2007. Didn't notice any patterns or trends.
        Crawford: The ideal combination is tight, simple, easily understood policies that are regularly supervised and reenforced.

        Crawford: Was made clear to Met that publishing gifts and hospitality register online was good practice and should be done
        Crawford: Putting register online raised on more than one occasion at meetings with senior colleagues in Met. Asked where was it
        Crawford: We were quite clear when we set up MOPC that we were not just morphing from one organisation to another
        Crawford: Cannot expect juniors at the Met to behave at a set of agreed standards if you don’t set an example right at the top
        Crawford: Met hadn't been subject demanding oversight for 150 years. When MPA arrived some difficult exchanges
        Crawford: majority of MPA thought criticising Stephenson for accepting bottle champagne upon knighthood was not proportionate

        Crawford says she never felt any improper pressure put on police by commissioners/chairs to follow particular line 

        Catherine Crawford former chief executive MPA : Sir Paul Stephenson thought concern about him getting champagne on getting knighthood petty

         Kit Malthouse   Witness Statement in Full
                Now up London deputy mayor Kit Malthouse - issue being what he said to Met officers about Weeting resources
                London deputy mayor Kit Malthouse : attempt to be deliberately boring in engagement with the press
                Malthouse : journalists are often amusing company; but conscious as guardian of lots of sensitive info I need to take care
                Malthouse : apologised to Sir Paul Stephenson after Guardian interview "inflamed things unnecessarily"
                This is interview at issue : . Malthouse objects to headline
                Malthouse : John Yates would normally throw in a ref to hacking investigation at end of terror briefings
                Malthouse : I was dealing with most & 3rd most important police in land, they were saying there was no evidence needing new investigation
                Malthouse : when Sir Paul Stephenson was questioned in public & private about NI / Met meetings he put up robust defence
                Malthouse : I was unsure about the modus operandi of meetings, but that was a matter for his judgement
                Malthouse : MPA questioned acting commissioner Godwin about other senior officers' meetings with News Int
                Malthouse : for me to indicate some doubt about trust in Stephenson would have been a major problem
                Malthouse : I did express concern about level of resources for Op Weeting (ie that it could be too high)
                Malthouse : was keen to ensure they were not undertaking Op Weeting to the detriment of rape victims
                Malthouse reveals forecast cost for Weeting and related investigations is £40m
                Malthouse : surprised at controversy this caused, policing is a zero sum game
                Barrister : Did you seek to persuade Yates not to resign? Malthouse : Don't think I did, no. 
                Malthouse : staffing on hacking investigations will rise to nearly 200 people, equivalent to eight murder squads

                Malthouse was chair of the MPA from Jan 2010-Jan 2012.
                [Cressida Dick recently told inquiry Malthouse repeatedly questioned resources devoted to the 2011 phone hacking investigation.] 
                Malthouse: MPA not a regulator in the traditional sense, responsible for governance and setting strategic direction of the Met.
                Malthouse evidence moves on to relationship between MPA and the press. Members had own contacts in the media.
                Malthouse: Strategy was to accept, be boring, or largely talk about them and not give impression I was a useful source of info.
                Malthouse: Don't see why noting conversations with journalists will have chilling effect. But can see why might seem bureaucratic.
                Malthouse: Had particular contact at Times, they took my articles when unknown and continued after I was elected.
                Malthouse on Sir Paul Stephenson: We had our moments, but professional, cordial and supportive relationship.
                Guardian 2009 article on Malthouse, now under discussion at #Leveson, on phrase "have our hands on the tiller":
                Malthouse: References to phone hacking, in briefings with Yates, thrown in at end of meetings when something mentioned in press.
                Malthouse: As Yates indicated in letter to me, reassured us no new evidence.
                Malthouse: To summarize the converations it would be "there's been something in the newspaper but satifised no new evidence.
                Malthouse on Yates and hacking inv: Whole thing snapped into place, if you like, in the public perception, and the rest is history.
                Malthouse: Deference to the commissioner + AC over phone hacking, they were reassuring us no new evidence to reopen investigation
                Jay asks Malthouse about Sep 2010 MPA meeting, commissioner indicated potential hacking victims should be informed.
                Malthouse: I accepted Sir Paul's defence that he needed to engage across the media to put context of policing.
                Malthouse: Concern was fine to meet in the office over coffee, but whether dinner appropriate matter of Sir Paul's judgement. 
                Malthouse: My judgment was while it wasn’t necessarily the way I would have operated, Sir Paul was a man of great integrity.
                Malthouse: Concern over resources devoted to Op Weeting came from backlog of rape cases and approach to gangs.
                Malthouse: The forecast cost for Weeting and related is £40 million.
                Malthouse: I don’t think at any stage I indicated I thought they shouldn’t be investigating. Was a matter of speed and resources.
                Malthouse: Perception created by "Champneys coincidence" was something Sir Paul obviously didn't feel he could live with.
                Malthouse: If you repeatedly turn down civic engagements it can cause offence.
                Malthouse: If Commissioner seen as judge, jury and executioner, that wasn't good for the force.
                Malthouse: Weeting is investigation that has to happen. It's a question of balancing resources. Staff will rise to 200 next year.
                Malthouse: Most interaction between press, police and politicians relies on high degree of trust - can't legislate in many ways.

                Kit Malthouse's strategy for dealing with the media was to be "deliberately boring" so as not to be seen as a source for stories 
                Kit Malthouse doesnt agree noting all police contact with media "might have a chilling effect" though maybe unduly bureacratic
                Malthouse sees his role as being 'an interlocuter betw the public and the police'
                kit malthouse apologised to sir Paul re: his claim 2have had 'hand on the tiller' of the met-comment 'taken out of context'
                Op weeting (hacking) forecast 2cost Met £40m (chid abuse budget only £36m) - Malthouse at #leveson
                'journalism played fine role in changing policing 2public benefit bt police interaction w media mst b different 2 public.Malthouse@ #leveson
                Resolving many of qstions raised by #leveson 'relies on personal probity and trust-things u cannot legislate for'. kit malthouse

                Julie Norgrove   Witness Statement in Full

                The next witness is Julie Norgrove, director of audit risk and assurance for the MOPC.
                Norgrove: As head of audit detirmine strategic approach to inform Commissioner and MOPC around how well managing their risks.
                Norgrove: MPS gifts and hospitality register has been subject to audit review five times in the past 11 years. 
                Jay QC takes Norgrove through the reports on MPS audit reviews, on hospitality. 
                Norgrove: Revisions took effect in 2009, included introduction of electronic system.
                Norgrove: MPA members felt hospitality for their body "in the public domain", not same concerns as with Met.
                Norgrove: Hospitality not being managed as effectively as we wanted it to be.
                Norgrove: Staff - officers and board members - not always providing proper justification for gifts and hospitality despite system.
                Norgrove: Three key findings from Filkin in line with audit reports.

                Ben Priestley   Witness Statement in Full

                Priestley is National Officer covering police for UNISON. Have about fifty percent of working population in each force.
                [Seymour: Standards have to be maintained and enforced by editors and sen execs, with strengthened regulatory body as a backstop.
                Priestley: Want rules to cover all eventualities - both on-the-record conversations and more informal briefings
                Priestley: Our members feel it is hard to rock the boat. Police service is hierarchical and authoritatrian.
                Priestley: Work being done to review the effectiveness of whistle-blowing mechanisms within the police service.
                Priestley: Private dinners and private hospitality – union can see no place for such activities. 

                Priestley: Do not represent police staff from the Met or City of London Police.
                Priestley: Colleagues feel inquiry is dealing with issues relevant to the Met and maybe not provincial forces.

                28 March 2012

                Leveson Inquiry: Module 2 - Press/Police - Day 17

                Lord Justice Leveson
                 "The focus of the Inquiry is ‘the culture, practices and ethics of the press’ in the context of the latter’s relationship with the public, the police and politicians. All of these matters overlap, and my goal must be to consider what lessons, if any, may be learned from past events and what recommendations, if any, should be made for the future, in particular as regards press regulation, governance and other systems of oversight."

                Module 2 

                "The relationship between the press and the police and the extent to which that has operated in the public interest."

                Useful Links:
                Leveson Inquiry Witness Statements HERE 
                Leveson Inquiry Witness Lists HERE
                Video Recordings of each day's proceedings HERE
                Live Feed From Leveson Inquiry Site HERE
                BBC Democracy Live Feed HERE 
                Telegraph Live Blog HERE (last Wednesday)
                Guardian Live Blog HERE(Last Wednesday)

                 Links to today's articles, Blogs, comment and information relevant to the Leveson Inquiry:
                ITV News -  Operation Motorman investigation:-
                 Wednesday, 28th March 2012
                Link to Day 16 HERE

                Today's Witnesses:
                Chief Constable Matthew Baggott ( PSNI )
                Joanne Bird ( Head of Media and Marketing, BTP )
                Oliver Cattermole ( Director of Communications, ACPO )
                Jane Furniss ( CEO, IPCC )
                Sir Hugh Orde ( President of ACPO )
                Chief Constable Andrew Trotter ( BTP )
                Liz Young ( Head of Corporate Communications, PSNI )

                To be read:
                Sir Paul Stephenson ( Former MPS )

                Chief Constable Matthew Baggott  Witness Statement in Full
                Liz Young and CC Matthew Baggott interviewed together
                PSNI Chief Constable Matthew Baggott and Head of Comms Liz Young up now at #Leveson Inquiry
                The PSNI press officer completely misunderstands relationship between PRs and hacks when she calls journalists her "customers" - @gavindrake
                Baggott: Anxious that the press should have access to the right people at the right time. - @hackinginquiry - Young: National media are not as versed with NI politics and can be unprofessional if don't get the access they want. 
                Baggott: Local media understand consequences of reporting and creating a sound bite without developing the context.
                Baggott: 170 attacks on officers in 2010, can't relax media guidelines too fast, too quickly
                Baggott: All formal meetings with media arranged by the comms team and recorded in database.  
                Baggott: Provided dinners Nov 09 and Dec 11 to cross-section of prominent reporters. Accepted no hospitality.
                Baggott: Hospitality should be controlled, for a purpose and consistent.
                Inquiry counsel Lucinda Boon reviewing PSNI hospitality policy, has been recently updated.
                Young: Rumour Baggott unhappy in his post was internal, gave off-the-record briefing to media to explain context.
                #Leveson on diversion, asks Baggott about Leicestershire/Portuguese police and McCann DNA story. Should have briefed media on the accuracy?
                Baggott: Wanted to maintain positive relationship with Portuguese, would have been wrong to breach confidence.  [Baggott was Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police.]
                Baggott: Five leak investigations in five years. Two resulted in officers disciplined.
                Baggott: Media caused disruption to local community during McCann case, had complaints from residents about intrusive questions.
                Baggott sent letter to prominent editors, asking them to restrain reporting speculation.
                #Leveson asks Baggott if he will provide complaint to PCC and the reply.
                Baggott: Consequences of speculation and loose reporting is a series issue for the press to consider. 

                Young: Such sensitivity in NI, using a phrase in the wrong way can cause difficulties. Local media understand that nationals don't. - @lisaocarroll -  Baggott: still confronted by a multi-faceted terrorist threat day in day out, so there is an element of caution in media policy
                Young: dont believe there is any scope for socialising with media at all
                Re McCann Case: -  Baggot says needed to maintain relationship with Portuguese police to hopefully “one day what happened that poor child”.
                Baggott: I wrote to newspaper editors twice to warn about speculation about Mad McCann. I did not get a 'hugely positive response
                Baggott: Could have been greater voice or greater authority to explain consequences of speculation about M #McCann. PCC no help
                Young: No consistency in application of ACPO guidelines. Some following them loosely. 

                Young: due to NI history, using phrase in wrong way can lead to wrong meaning. Local media aware of this but national press less so - @IndexLeveson - Baggott: local media in NI have to live with the consequences of their reporting
                Baggott: I'm looking for care to be taken by officers with regards to security situation, threat facing officers in NI still real
                Baggott says cannot relax media guidelines too quickly
                Baggott: we have to exercise great caution in how we support our officers in their contact with media without restricting them

                PSNI press head Liz Young : National media take more handling than local media, don't understand sensitivities - @rosschawkins - Re McCann /Baggott controversy - (Reporter told #leveson UK police cd have stopped inaccurate stories about forensics & McCanns with off rec guidance)
                Baggott : people of Rothley (where McCanns' lived) had variety of complaint around disruption to life by large media presence
                Baggott wrote to editors asking for restraint, said some alleged facts reported in press bore little relation to evidence
                Baggott - media speculation certainly hindered effort to find and trace Madeleine McCann

                Chief Constable Andrew Trotter  Witness Statement in Full
                Joanne Bird and CC Andrew Trotter interviewed together
                @policeChiefs:ACPO CAG
                ACPO CAG provide "commonality of approach" to media relations -
                CC Trotter "all meetings with journalists should be recorded" 
                CC Andy Trotter "more not less" communication with the media is needed
                CC Andy Trotter at #Leveson - constant bad news stories are "corrosive" on public image of #Police

                Joanne Bird at #Leveson - "entirely appropriate" that there not be a culture of hospitality in the public sector 

                Up now are Chief Constable Andrew Trotter and Joanne Bird (head of media & marketing) of the British Transport Police
                Trotter: Ladbroke Grove train crash 1999, handling of media not good. I became press spokesperson from that point.
                Trotter is also head of the ACPO communication advisory group, responsible for speaking to press on behalf of the body.
                Trotter: The journalists I speak to have said some forces have closed down a bit.
                Trotter: Presenting new guidelines to ACPO council in April for adoption, response to Filkin and July 2011.
                Trotter: Shouldn't identify those arrested. It does lead media to often playing a guessing game with us to try and work it out.
                Trotter: Have had problems in forces around the country with arrested people being identified and having campaigns against them.
                Trotter: Occasionally receive complaints from forces on the conduct of media at major incidents. Have contacted PCC.
                Trotter: The sheer volume of the national media descending upon a local community can have all sorts of problems. 
                Trotter: It’s not in the public interest for journalists to attempt to investigate a case on our behalf.
                Trotter: Frontline officers not always best to deal with media, need proper access and a dedicated senior level spokesperson.
                Trotter: Officers should not have a close relationships with journalists. And if they do, then they should declare it.
                Trotter: Many journalists are not specialist crime reporters anymore, can be helpful to give them a broader understanding.
                Bird: Press office team is approx 16 strong.
                Trotter: Good news stories are rarely popular but persistent imbalance has corrosive effect on public's view of crime.
                Bird: Attended senior officers meeting with Mail crime reporter on Romanian pickpockets on the rail network.
                Bird: People who have died named by witnesses, or by friends on social networking sites, which journalists see before family told.
                Trotter: Working with the Met is different from working in some of the smaller areas.

                Acpo comms lead Trotter : revealing gender & age of arrested suspects does lead to media playing guessing game about their id
                Trotter: Officers of transport police should not have a close relationshp with journalists and if they do they should declare it.


                ACPO President Sir Hugh Orde up now at the #Leveson Inquiry
                Sir Hugh at #Leveson - "there is always a tension" between the national and local agenda
                Sir Hugh at #Leveson - it is important not to "over complicate" procedures to ensure officer discretion
                Sir Hugh at #Leveson - "I am more comfortable with a Code of Ethics" over prescriptive rules

                "Chilling effect in the short term" in police/press relations - Sir Hugh at #Leveson Inquiry

                The next witness is Sir Hugh Orde, president of ACPO and chief constable of police service in Northern Ireland.
                Orde: Sheer intensity and scale means need someone to support you more in the routines of your day than perhaps other forces do.
                Orde: There's always a tension between local agendas and policies, and the national central agenda.
                Orde: In NI, more than just a code around the media, it’s a code around how you behave.
                Orde: Front line officers have huge amount to do need basic operating principle, if over-complicated difficult to stick to.
                Orde: Was subject of public attention during time in PSNI but wishes it to remain private matter.
                Orde: My sense of PCC was on of a rather powerful/powerless relationship.
                Orde story claims he designed his own uniform, and is still online
                Orde: Commissioner has been very clear that standards should apply across the service and not be bespoke to individual forces.
                Orde: We need to be careful not to become so rigid that we spoil what is a critical relationship with the media.
                Orde now describing challenges faced during time heading PSNI.
                Orde: As NI became less interesting to the media, dedicated reporters withdrew and tension increased with force.
                Orde: Have to be clear in your own mind relationship with journalist is about sharing info, not being friends.

                Sir Hugh: try to provide a consistent approach to threats country faces

                Sean O'Neill - @TimesCrime
                Hugh Orde: my experience in Met was relationship with media was critical, well-informed and worked v well
                Chief Constables will discuss new national media and hospitality/gifts policy on April 19 Hugh Orde tells #leveson
                Orde telling #leveson PSNI has a code of ethics for officers which covers all conduct inlcuding relations with media
                Police service has been "surprised" by close relationships between some media outlets and some individuals, Orde tells #leveson
                We must be careful not to become too rigid with rules and spoil the critical police-media relationship, Orde tells #leveson

                Orde : leaking of info from Police National Computer was an issue when I was at Met but not a key strategic threat
                Orde: Relationship between paper and PCC is one of the rather powerful/powerless when I complained about silly story
                Hugh Orde met Andy coulson, editor of news of the world in January 2007 at request of editor of paper in "southern Ireland".
                Orde: in 2002, officers of PSNI reticent to speak to media By 2009 it was routine for officers of all ranks to do so
                #leveson asks Orde not to "over correct" rules on meetings with press and issue of logs
                Jay: Dinner with Coulson, then NoW ed, in Jan 2007. Orde: About telling story of policing in NI.
                Jay taking Orde through the PSNI media policy.
                Orde: Need to guard against shutting down and maintain a professional relationship with journalists.
                Orde: When I left PSNI in 2009, view was culture based on commitment to openness and transparency.

                Sir Hugh Orde : police need to guard against becoming too defensive with journalists

                Oliver Cattermole   Witness Statement in Full


                Orde has finished. The next witness is Oliver Cattermole, director of comms at ACPO.
                Cattermole leads a team of six, to support and provide advice to 340 chief officers. 
                Cattermole: ACPO has been criticised for not falling under FOIA (it now does). Government had to make decision, not us.
                Cattermole: Would prioritise national news outlet over local press, not creating same impact.
                Cattermole: Have occasionally accepted a meal or coffee from a journalist in context of work meeting - 20 times in 4 years.
                Cattermole: Former officers commenting on Moat case criticised operation without knowing geography of area - need knowledge.
                Cattermole: recording press-police contact need not have a stifling effect

                Head of comms at ACPO: "Communications is an absolutely critical part of policing". Filking report comments on openness important
                Jane Furniss  Witness Statement#1


                    We're off at #Leveson. First witness is Jane Furniss, CEO of the Independent Police Complaints Commission. She has provided two statements.
                    Furniss: Public can seek our advice and assistance on police, can appeal to us. Police rerquired under law to refer matters to us.
                    Furniss: Decide mode of investigation for matters referred to us - we investigate, manage inv, supervise inv or leave to police.
                    In 2010/11, out of 59,442 allegations received by IPCC 1,279 refer to improper disclosure of information by officers.
                    Furniss: It may be someone who's looking to see whether his daughter's new boyfriend is a suitable young man.
                    Furniss has prepared a report for Home Secretary on investigating corruption in the police service. Will provide privately to #Leveson.
                    Jay QC runs through examples from statement of suspected leaks to press from police - Furniss says no evidence came from officers.
                    Furniss: We will make information available unless there's a very good reason not to, rather than the other way around.
                    Furniss: I think journalists trust us that we will tell them as much as we can, when we can.
                    IPCC guidance says hospitality appropriate as long as not frequent, regular or lavish.
                    Jay asks about claims around de Menezes case. Furniss not at IPCC in 2005, says witnesses told inaccurate details to press.
                    Furniss: Member of staff on IPCC investigation team decided to share info with the family and press about mistake.
                    Furniss: Member of staff identified and resigned. Did considerable damage to IPCC, she believed was in family's interest to reveal.
                    Inquiry moves on to Ian Tomlinson and Mark Duggan cases.
                    Furniss: My press officer told journalists exchange of fire in Duggan case. It was a very serious error.
                    Furniss: I'm probably going to be criticised for criticising the press. #Leveson: I'm spending my life doing that.
                    Furniss: Press very quick to criticise us when we put out the wrong information. They're very unforgiving when we get it wrong.
                    Furniss: I think Filkin's recommendations on keeping a record are common sense.
                    Furniss: We shouldn’t expect as a society that newspapers are best place to decide something in an organisation is wrong.
                    Furniss: If someone gaining benefit from sharing information it questions the propriety.  (ED: speaking with regard to the payment of a whistleblower by the Telegraph in the MPs' expenses case)
                    Furniss: IPCC is the body that provides oversight of complaints system for the police
                    Furniss: public can seek our advice in making complaint, have right of appeal if dissatisfied with way police handled complaint

                    Furniss: it's quite a bureaucratic system that is hard to explain
                    Furniss says press office calls off the record briefings "guidance". Haven’t found it to be abused by journos
                    Furniss: I think journos trust us that we will tell them as much as we can, when we can
                    Furniss: I don't think alcohol and work mix, generally, especially when you're dealing with sensitive issues
                    Furniss: our organisational view would be we shouldn't be in receipt of gifts or hospitality
                    Furniss being quizzed about the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell tube station in July 2005
                    Furniss says IPCC staff member on investigation team leaked info to de Menezes family & press. Identified and resigned
                    Discussing cases of Ian Tomlinson and Mark Duggan
                    Furniss: press naturally want to get the scoop, ask qu's and get answers before rivals 
                    Furniss said press officer told journos it appeared there was an exchange of fire in Duggan case. Says was "very serious error" 
                    Furniss: journos don't wine & dine public officials because they like them, but because they want something/to influence decisions
                    Furniss: I read newspapers with scepticism, story will only be part of the story. But important to have free press 

                    IPCC head Furniss tells #leveson it made "serious error" over Mark Duggan shooting but press v quick to criticise  - @rosschawkins - Furniss of IPCC - journalists wine and dine public officials because they want something