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Royal Courts of Justice |
Module 3 - Key Questions to be addressed in this Module
Useful Links:
Leveson Inquiry Witness Statements HERE
Leveson Inquiry Witness Lists HERE
Video Recordings of each day's proceedings HERE
Live Feed From Leveson Inquiry Site HERE
Leveson Inquiry Witness Lists HERE
Video Recordings of each day's proceedings HERE
Live Feed From Leveson Inquiry Site HERE
Guardian Live Blog HERE
Links to relevant articles, information and comment: (links to Google digest of media articles in right-hand sidebar of this blog) ---->>>
@helenlewis: Mail Online practising press regulation by Twitter again: that video has now disappeared from the Eiffel Tower suicide story.
So Mail Online knows it's done wrong, but no apology, explanation, acknowledgement. And so we move on to the next Twitterstorm... News Corp has confirmed it is considering splitting company into two: one TV & film business, other newspapers
News Corp shares up 8% and BSkyB shares up 2.52% on confirmation Murdoch considering breaking up media empire. Would make sense for News Corp to confirm business split asap, before Ofcom starts forming "fit and proper" conclusions re BSkyB shares.
It's relatively easy to be cynical though.Huge News Corp announcement & Govt petrol tax freeze come within an hour of Norman Lamb bombshell.
**************************************************************************Tuesday, 27th June 2012
Mr Barr begins his questioning of John Lloyd.. |
Guardian Live Blog HERE
Lloyd is a contributing editor to the FT and director of journalism at the Reuters Institute for the study of journalism at Oxford.
John Lloyd runs the Reuters Institute for Study of Journalism at Oxford. It has postgrad students, mostly from abroad, and a think tank.
Lloyd: truth in public affairs, as in private, is very complex.
Lloyd: truth is an aim which may never be achieved. But important to journalism, is reason why it exists, claims certain privileges.
John Lloyd says UK is somewhere between US and France in terms or entanglement of journalists and politicians.US much less, France has more.
Lloyd says politicians in France usually get copy approval from journalists. If that were done in UK, it would never be admitted.
Points out that private lives of pols in France could enjoy "immunity from publication" of their private lives. Sarkozy was different... ...because he was first president of the internet gossip era.France was before Sarko like US and UK in old days - discreet.
Lloyd:Journalists now approach reporting politics asking what is the MP/minister trying to get out of what they say/do.
To reduce things to this "cynical Occam's razor" approach seems to lose out on whatever is most important in the policy/news event.
[Lloyd has hit with "agora"&"Occam's razor" so far.David Barr for the inquiry just has no answer to this.Jay must be thinking of a sub]
Lloyd ws: In comparative terms w other political classes, expenses scandal, while important to reveal + be corrected, was trivial.
Lloyd:Campbell&Blair/Brown had as articles of faith that John Major and John Smith had been destroyed by newspapers.They had to stop them. (Ed: Neil Kinnock here, not Smith?)
Lloyd: Blair/Brown had profound belief that Major and Kinnock had been destroyed by newspapers, the latter largely by the Sun.
Lloyd: My interviewees [for book] used the phrase "feed the beast", like a bird bringing back worms for its chicks.
New Labour's rapid response to scandal became template for future,John Lloyd of FT tells
Lloyd: belief that 24h news meant they were under constant surveillance, cld never relax, meant they had to be constantly proactive.
Politicans/PRs wd say their main roley was to defend masters from a ruthless press.Cannot expect a good ride, but hunger for scandal.
The politician must be always be on his or her guard and be extremely attentive to keeping owners and editors happy as possible.
"The activities of Mr Blair and Mr Cameron are explicable in that regard,"Lloyd tells
Lloyd: personal attack on politician can be very powerful if combined with some kind of attack [by media]
Lloyd: e.g. revelation of a supposed abuse coupled with powerful polemic that says that person unfit for post.
Lloyd: but more powerful is the position a paper takes over time.
Lloyd: There is something in the argument that politicians see newspaper support as more important than it is.
Lloyd: Formal meetings between politicians and journalists could be recorded but casual meetings are much more difficult.
Lloyd: Ministers, PMs, owners and editors have a right to talk in private, but it should be logged that they were seen.
Lloyd: regulating more casual contact is adverse to freedom of press and to the public interest.
Lloyd: It is from huge undergrowth of contact between journos and others that one gets first info of important stories.
John Lloyd explaining the way press works in France and the US.. |
Lloyd says French press overdeferential, but applauds publishing much longer interviews with politicians.[not a widely-held view, I think!]
Lloyd asked about regulation of plurality/media ownership.Becoming increasingly difficult to mandate pluralism.But most countries do so.
Lloyd: it's better to hear at greater length what politicians have to say vs soundbites to which they’re now reduced.
Lloyd: French press over-deferential in the past Anglo-Saxon model more fact-based and scandal-based.
Lloyd: To legislate, my bias is as much pluralism as possible. Regulator would have to be subjective but bear investment in mind.
Lloyd:use both subjective and percentage measures to decide on how much individual groups can own.Nature of owner is vital. Cites Lebedev......as an "exemplary" newspaper owner.Says Pearson sees owning FT as public trust to own the paper.Others don't:owner opinion v important.
Lloyd: Lot depends on observing the way in which newspaper owners and media owners observe what many believe to be a public trust.
Lloyd points out its not as bad as it was:Beaverbrook said his papers were merely tools of propaganda.
[Fascinating discussion of why people want to own papers now it isn't profitable to do so.]Lloyd says you will see more opinion vehicles.
He cites the Dearborn Independent, founded by Henry Ford in ?1900s to put forward his anti-semitic views.We cd be in for more of this.
Lloyd: tabloids' central existence is to make money; now they make a loss their raison d'etre is shaky.
Lloyd: Increasingly one will see wealthy individuals with a strong world view coming into the marketplace to propound their view.
Lloyd says that one of the jokes in journo world now is: "Comment is free, but facts are expensive"[I wonder where John Lloyd heard that?]
Lloyd:one can be hugely well informed simply by surfing the net.Volume of info online enormously increased;in papers, it has decreased.
Lloyd:asked if there is more blending of facts and opinion.Says Yes very much.Look at Times in 50s and 60s compared with Times & others now
Lloyd:trend in papers that are increasingly cash-strapped tends towards commentary and “light journalism”, depends great deal on PR.
Lloyd: in tone of reportage one can guess political position of reporter.
Lloyd: The amount of information online has increased, in newspapers it has decreased [favour comment].
Lloyd:News reports shd be more accurate now because facts are easier to check now.
Judge says now newspapers have to add something 'cause you can get your facts from net or 24-hr news cycle.Lloyd says Mirror in 50s did same.
Lloyd:You used to have a paper of the establishment, The Times, which "had to be as right as it could be" Took great pains.
Lloyd:If there is equivalent now it is in the business press, the FT in UK, others in other countries, because audience presses for accuracy.
Lloyd:the readership of business papers uses their reportage,so they insist on it being right.[any comment of mine on this wd be redundant]
Lloyd:Oppressive to legislate separation of fact and comment.Reporters confronted with ocean of fact,"aggressively fillet" most important.
From Guardian Live Blog:
Lloyd says that politicians and their spin doctors believe they have been forced to defend themselves from a press "which has become ruthless". They do this by trying to keep editors and proprietors happy, he says, describing Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell as chief proponents of this school of PR.@nataliepeck:
Lloyd: It's clear that the PCC code is by and large a good one.
Lloyd says PCC code is good, but it had little effect in the day to day life of many newspapers.Some didn't need it.
If journos see themselves as servants of a newsdesk/editor/owner, the less ethics will matter and less they will be observed[KEY POINT, IMO]
Lloyd: journos say they are a trade not profession as a self defence, ie they can't be struck off.
Lloyd: most journalists are contemptuous of academics.
Lloyd: What we need is some sense that there are limits to what we will do for those who hire us, and for journalism.
Barr asks Lloyd what role organisations like Reuters Institute and Media Standards Trust can play. Lloyd: Most journalists contemptuous of academics - think don't understand the world, the market, difficulties of getting stories.
Lloyd: Media Standards Trust not part of university but brings out material, problem is getting that into journalistic discourse.
What we need is a sense that there are limits to what we will do for those who employ us:a)stories must be observably true and ... ..b)do not egregiously and for no public interest impinge on people's privacy. If that is part of our ethic,we can refuse to do bad things.
Editors of tabloids won't come to speak at the Reuters Institute.If they respond to invitations,it's to say no point in "dialogue of deaf"
I suspect that John Lloyd's evidence will not be much noticed, which is a great shame, because he has some v important things to say.]
Lloyd: Journalism cannot merely be defended by reference to the freedom of the press.
Lloyd: Number of small NGOs have begun correction websites, including Full Fact.
Lloyd:explicit or implicit deal not to attack each other;Guardian broke it with phacking.Now clear freedom of press not a universal defence.
Lloyd: now in print and online watchdog function being fulfilled more. Cites Full Fact as 1 NGO that's begun correction website.
Lloyd: Would be better to have former editors on future press body and it needs to be independent.
Lloyd:example of BBC being state-funded does not meant that independence is therefore fatally compromised.[re funding of new regulator]
Lloyd:Main "journalism society" in the US (Ctee for Concerned Journalists)is funded by the Pew Trust, he tells.
[Bar for a conscience clause - seeming advocated by John Lloyd - would have to be set so high to avoid political/moral confusion]
Lloyd telling
Lloyd asked if regulator should have dispute resolution function to help solve privacy/libel claims. Says can at least be attempted.
Lloyd: PCC is too restrictive at the moment but could open the doors to an unmanageable flood of complaints [on third party comps].Lloyd: One option is to develop carrots - like Irish Press Council - the other is statute. Lloyd: Media Standards Trust has argued that under statute, all news media organisations should be members.
[Refreshing to hear Lloyd talking about emotional side of journalism and historical attachment, rarely discussed at
John Lloyd's testimony is complete.
Tim Colbourne
- Email From Fred Michel HERE about which Colbourne may be questioned today.
Guardian Live Blog HERE
The next witness is Tim Colbourne, special adviser to Nick Clegg, to be questioned by Robert Jay.
Jay asks Colbourne about an email sent to him by News Corp lobbyist Fred Michel on 17 November 2010.
Colbourne: Would not have agreed to see Michel if the BSkyB bid had been on the agenda.
Colbourne: Occasionally advised PM instead of DPM.
Colbourne: got email from Fred Michel - News Corp lobbyist - out of the blue.
Clegg special adviser met News Corp lobbyist in one of state rooms at Number 10.
Colbourne's notes from the meeting with Michel show the BSkyB bid was discussed. TC says FM asked if he was aware of process.
Jay asks Colbourne to compare his notes to email sent by Michel to News Corp.
Colbourne denies having agreed to advise News Corp in any way - contradicting perception given by Michel's email. |
Colbourne: No recollection of discussion on importance of getting Labour on board. I was not offering strategic advice.
In essence Colbourne saying Michel email about their conversation isn't accurate.
Colbourne did discuss handling of secondary digital economy legislation with Michel but it never came to pass. Colbourne: level of advice & guidance given to special advisers is minimal, lot could be done to improve it
Colbourne: Suspect passing referencs has been overinterpreted + exaggerated, Michel's record doesn’t reflect conversation.
Colbourne: For record, don’t think it is role of SpAds to insist ministers should meet with people they are not inclined to meet. Colbourne: Had no discussion with Cable's department or anyone else about it afterwards.
Colbourne: I scrupulously record action points with an asterisk in my notes, there were no action points from this meeting. (lobbyists will now be scouring SpAd's notes for asterisks during meetings)
Colbourne's testimony is now at an end.
Guardian Live Blog HERE
From Guardian Live Blog:
Giles Crown, the solicitor for the family of Sebastian Bowles, the British schoolboy who was killed in a Swiss coach crash in March, is the next witness.He will be questioned by Carine Patry Hoskins, counsel to the inquiry.
Edward Bowles, father of Sebastian Bowles, has asked Crown to represent the family at the inquiry [on media intrusion].
Crown says he has attempted to summarise media intrusion Bowles family suffered following their son Sebastian's death.
Parents of the schoolboy who died in the crash, and his nine year old sister photographed at hotel assigned to families.
Carine Patry Hoskins asks Crown to describe 'Helena photograph', a picture of Sebastian's young sister crying and carrying flowers.
The Bowles family were photographed on private property, at the hotel victim's families had gathered at.
Guardian Live Blog:
Crown says this photograph is of a young girl crying, carrying flowers and with Edward Bowles's hand on her head. Photographers were banned from the property and told not to come within 20 metres of the hotel where bereaved families were staying.He says it is clear that the photograph was taken from a distance and without the permission of those in the picture.
So many journos outside home of bereaved family police had to clear them away.
The death of 11 year old Sebastian Bowles was reported by the BBC here -- http://bbc.in/Mxr5ow
Sun published story on its front page, with photo.
Sun published article with photo of Sebastian, and Mail and Telegraph published articles March 16 - quotes taken from blog.
CPH points out the blog was set up for children on trip to communicate with parents but was accessible.
Website not protected by password but clearly intended for parents only, says solicitor.
Sun did not publish picture of grieving family, nor pictures from Facebook .
Website shut down after media took info from it, CPH says this caused more distress to families as only record. Info was retrieved.
Guardian Live Blog:
(to be clear evidence started talking about long lens photo of grieving family, barrister made clear Sun didn't publish that picture)
Sun reporter at their home was polite and apologetic, passed on her details via police. PR had already asked Sun not to go to the family home. Mail Online published picture of grieving family and picture from the blog.
Crown: Caroline Grant, of the Sun, waiting on doorstep for the Bowles family to speak to them. Left a note with police to pass on. Mail article {16 March) published the Helena photograph, family photograph and picture of Sebastian in skiing outfit. Crown: Pictures believed to be taken from Facebook, Edward certain he set settings to "Friends Only" [not accessible to outsiders].
Photos could only have been taken from father's Facebook account, father certain he'd placed setting on friends only.
Crown: Mr Bowles never approached to say photos had been obtained and seeking permission to publish them.
Guardian Live Blog:
Telegraph published photographs of children who had died and quotations from the online blog (16 March) CPH points out Bowles family lived with external shutters closed because concerned about media intrusion. Crown: Matt Sandy from MoS arrived at family home with flowers, Edward Bowles opened door not realising who it was.
PCC letter was circulated on March 17. Crown had contacted the 24 hour helpline and explained the issues. Crown's letter to eds: Intrusion into family's grief and publication of such photographs is a grave infringement of their privacy.
In letter solicitor asked for all private photos to be removed from websites & no further publication.
Solicitor, writing to PCC & press, also asked the memorial service should be kept private.
Crown: Letter was sent to, among others, Paul Dacre (Mail) and Tony Gallagher (Telegraph).
Crown: Mail replied after a chase-up email, agreeing to remove Facebook pictures but said had been accessed when settings lower.
CPH notes the Helena photograph was not removed from Mail Online. Current version also contains extracts from blog.
Crown says he received another letter from Associated Newspapers last night. Crown: Helena photograph highlighted in March letter. AN letter says removed from website as soon as aware [but only recently].
Photo of Sebastian's sister since removed, letter from Group MD of Mail said didn't know it was of his sister.
Crown: They to mine mind knew that photograph was of a young relative of a victim, on its face it is clearly grieving young child. Crown: AN said had no reason to believe the photographs not taken in a public place or that relatives did not wish to be observed. Crown: Spoke to Tony Gallagher on the phone, he said I was "late to the party" and he knew Edward Bowles. Crown ws: Edward says he knew of Gallagher but they had never spoken to each other [lived in same area].
The photo of Sebastian's sister has appeared in Belgium media, including on front cover of newspaper & magazine. following PCC letter level of media activity at Bowles' home reduced, no media presence at private funeral service.
Sun published article with photo of Sebastian, and Mail and Telegraph published articles March 16 - quotes taken from blog.
CPH points out the blog was set up for children on trip to communicate with parents but was accessible.
Website not protected by password but clearly intended for parents only, says solicitor.
Sun did not publish picture of grieving family, nor pictures from Facebook .
Website shut down after media took info from it, CPH says this caused more distress to families as only record. Info was retrieved.
Guardian Live Blog:
The Sun did not publish the Helena photograph or pictures taken from a Facebook profile, Patry Hoskins says.@rosschawkins:
Crown says the parents of Sebastian were distressed after the website where a picture and quotes had been taken from was shut down because it was the "only available record of Sebastian's final days and hours".
The parents later retrieved the information, he adds.
(to be clear evidence started talking about long lens photo of grieving family, barrister made clear Sun didn't publish that picture)
Sun reporter at their home was polite and apologetic, passed on her details via police. PR had already asked Sun not to go to the family home. Mail Online published picture of grieving family and picture from the blog.
Crown: Caroline Grant, of the Sun, waiting on doorstep for the Bowles family to speak to them. Left a note with police to pass on. Mail article {16 March) published the Helena photograph, family photograph and picture of Sebastian in skiing outfit. Crown: Pictures believed to be taken from Facebook, Edward certain he set settings to "Friends Only" [not accessible to outsiders].
Photos could only have been taken from father's Facebook account, father certain he'd placed setting on friends only.
Crown: Mr Bowles never approached to say photos had been obtained and seeking permission to publish them.
Guardian Live Blog:
Bowles later shut down his Facebook page after he found that Mail Online had published the pictures, which he says were of a "private, personal and family nature".@nataliepeck:
This was the "final straw", Crown says. "He was very distressed at this point."
Telegraph published photographs of children who had died and quotations from the online blog (16 March) CPH points out Bowles family lived with external shutters closed because concerned about media intrusion. Crown: Matt Sandy from MoS arrived at family home with flowers, Edward Bowles opened door not realising who it was.
PCC letter was circulated on March 17. Crown had contacted the 24 hour helpline and explained the issues. Crown's letter to eds: Intrusion into family's grief and publication of such photographs is a grave infringement of their privacy.
In letter solicitor asked for all private photos to be removed from websites & no further publication.
Solicitor, writing to PCC & press, also asked the memorial service should be kept private.
Crown: Letter was sent to, among others, Paul Dacre (Mail) and Tony Gallagher (Telegraph).
Crown: Mail replied after a chase-up email, agreeing to remove Facebook pictures but said had been accessed when settings lower.
CPH notes the Helena photograph was not removed from Mail Online. Current version also contains extracts from blog.
Crown says he received another letter from Associated Newspapers last night. Crown: Helena photograph highlighted in March letter. AN letter says removed from website as soon as aware [but only recently].
Photo of Sebastian's sister since removed, letter from Group MD of Mail said didn't know it was of his sister.
Crown: They to mine mind knew that photograph was of a young relative of a victim, on its face it is clearly grieving young child. Crown: AN said had no reason to believe the photographs not taken in a public place or that relatives did not wish to be observed. Crown: Spoke to Tony Gallagher on the phone, he said I was "late to the party" and he knew Edward Bowles. Crown ws: Edward says he knew of Gallagher but they had never spoken to each other [lived in same area].
The photo of Sebastian's sister has appeared in Belgium media, including on front cover of newspaper & magazine. following PCC letter level of media activity at Bowles' home reduced, no media presence at private funeral service.
Crown: PCC circulation of the letter to whoever they did circulate it to may have been helpful in dampening down media issues. Crown: I was calling them to try and help but there was a lot of damage already done. The pictures had already been published.
Guardian Live Blog:
Patry Hoskins asks whether the PCC was helpful.
"I thought they were sympathetic. It was helpful to be able to get hold of someone on a Saturday afternoon to assist in getting the message out quickly to the media," Crown says.
He adds that it was strange that the PCC asked him to draft the letter.
"I don't know how they would have dealt with it if it hadn't have been a lawyer on the line," he adds.
Sebastian's father would certainly have been in no fit state to write the letter, Crown says.
"The damage has effectively been done [when you have first contacted the PCC]," Crown says.@rosschawkins:
I was calling them to try and help but a lot of damage had already been done … the main point to my mind is why clear code provisions hadn't been applied to by the media.
Family statement makes clear they won't comment publicly on this & statement shdn't be read as suggestion they might. Bowles' family solicitor: additional publicity at this point would greatly aggravate the family's grieving.
Guardian Live Blog:
Crown ends by saying the Bowles family have "no wish to have a fight with the media in any sense" and that they gave evidence reluctantly.
"They are disappointed that with regard to such an immense tragedy they would have expected greater restraint from the media in how it was reported, and that was not the case."
"Additional publicity at this point would greatly aggravate the family's grieving," Crown ends.
Mr Caplan for Associated Newspapers |
Mail barrister: I do apologise to the family for publication of Helena photo but didn't realise it was of her.
Caplan (AN): I do apologise to the family but my clients did not appreciate that was her, it would have been taken down earlier.
Crown's evidence now over.
Witness Statement and Exhibits
Guardian Live Blog HERE
Mr Jay begins his questioning of Norman Lamb.. |
Norman Lamb explaining how he came to meet Frederic Michel.... |
10 June 2010 - Lamb met Fred Michel, News Corp lobbyist.
Lamb: The BSkyB bid was discussed in general terms [five days before formal announcement].
Lamb says Michel was a charming individual. Adds this was a general discussion.
Michel put case for BSkyB bid, despite this being before bid was announced. Lamb & Michel met for second time on 27 Oct that year.
Jay says Lamb has provided a handwritten note of the second meeting recently. Although it was a few days before bid was announced,Lamb thought it was in public domain that it might happen[a small public domain IIRC] Lamb now recounting a 2nd mtg with Michel in Oct 2010.Says he found note of this mtg only this morning.[!] Been distracted by work, he says. Lamb now reading note:Fred M NI an extraoridnary encounter. FM v charming.Certain no grounds for Sky bid referral to CC. "They have been supportive of the colaition. But he was worried.It was brazen." Lamb gives detail. Implication was clear...
Lamb has a note of his meeting with Michel. His wife found it for him. Texted her this morning.
Lamb note: An extraordinary encounter…He tells me News International papers will land on VC’s desk in next two weeks. Lamb note: So refer case and implication was clear News International turn against coalition and AV.
Norman Lamb's handwritten note of "veiled threats" meeting with News Corp's Fred Michel http://yfrog.com/es92806835p
@benfenton: I took it to mean v clearly that positive coverage they sd they had given might change [if Vince Cable referred the bid to the CC] Lamb conversation with Clegg 2.11.10. "Horrified by what I tell him of FM's mtg last week.We will lose only papers who have been positive."
Lamb says Clegg was horrified by his account of this meeting, which wasn't what Clegg said in evidence.
(Be clear - this is a significant claim - that Libs were threatened with bad press if quasi-judicial decision by Cable didn't go their way)
Lamb says he had expressed concern with Vince Cable.Says he did not use the expression "done over" [which inquiry heard earlier he had done]
[To summarise:Senior Lib Dem says NI figure threatened to change allegiance over coalition and Lib Dem big project if Sky bid was referred]
Jay asks why Lamb so late in coming forward with this evidence. He says has been thinking over for some time.
Lamb: When Vince Cable gave his evidence I felt I had to tell the story of what happened. In a sense, you were left with a gap. Lamb: I left the meeting with no doubt about the implication of what he was saying to me.
Jay tells Lamb that NI say Michel made no such implied threat or link of the two.Lamb points to his note which was contemporaneous and fresh.
That ends brief but potentially damaging evidence from Norman Lamb.NI are now saying they havent had time to react.
Rhodri Davies for NI repeats Michel position that he made no threats. Leveson says he can put in another statement if he wants.Guardian Live Blog HERE
Mellor was secretary of state for national heritage 11 April – 22 Sep 1992. He coined the "last chance saloon" phrase.
Mellor: Absolutely crucial that whatever comes out of this inquiry is clear-cut so politicians can't slither into the undergrowth. Mellor: No one is looking to crack down on press. Question of trying to draw and line and a little bit of scapel-like surgery.
Paraphrase : I stand by every word of when I said Sky is a marvellous thing...I admired the energy of Sky...didn't need my arm twisted round my neck to support Murdoch's bid at that time. |
Mellor:Sky was such a brave commercial venture. Nearly bankrupted News Corp. Whatever u think of Murdoch. Sky is tremendous thing.
Mellor said he "admired" the energy of Sky and praises Rupert Murdoch for it.
The Marco Polo building used by Sky rival BSB. Mellor 'all the trappings of success without the need for success first". Mellor: problem has been is that Murdoch never really bought into society in which his newspapers had influence
Mellor: Don't think anyone would say Sky poses great threat to individual freedom in this country, some of Murdoch newspapers have. Mellor: The problem has been Rupert Murdoch never really bought into the society in which his newspapers have so much influence. Mellor: I don't think Thatcher saw Murdoch as any kind of threat. I think she saw him as a kindred spirit.
Mellor: don't think Thatcher saw Murdoch as any kind of threat, think she saw him as a kindred spirit.
Mellor: Minuted meetings are the last place on earth where you will get what really happened.
Mellor: Minuted meetings are the last place on earth where you will get what really happened.
Mellor: Why would Blair fly to middle of Australia to address group of Murdoch executives if it wasn’t sign he needed the support?
Guardian Live blog:
Mellor says the influence of Rupert Murdoch was clear.Murdoch was the only media owner whom a minister had to request to meet, rather than the other way round, he adds.
Mellor on private life exposed after Calcutt: It was an inconvenient moment for one’s private life to fall out of the cupboard.
Edwina Currie affair with MAjor mentioned at leveson as Mellor says he now understands why Major didn't want him to resign after da sancha.
Mellor: I'm amazed by Max Clifford's evidence to you [on Mellor's affair]. It's been admitted on previous occasions was cooked up. Mellor: The press is not running a morality patrol to cleanse public life - own squalid reasons about their circulation. Mellor says the story about the "bloody Chelsea shirt" will follow him to his grave.
Mellor: because they knew politicians were afraid of them, why should they worry about inventing a story? It's just a laugh. Mellor adds that without the press Inquiry would not be happening. Says he is sure gov’t bitterly regrets setting it up.
Mellor: story that I liked to sleep with Antonia da sancha in Chelsea football church was totally made up #leveson (not the affair bit )
Mellor: What Sun/Clifford did to me in 92 led inexorably to phone hacking etc, because these people consider themselves above law. Mellor: The real problem here is the British people, because the British people love to read this stuff. Mellor: Was shocked by Sir Paul Stephenson and John Yates telling the Guardian editor he was barking up the wrong tree. Mellor: The House of Commons is a den of gossip [implies politicians aware of phone hacking practices].
Mellor being incredibly open re politicians attitudes/fears and behaviour towards the press. |
Mellor ws: Some SY officers steadfastly refused properly to investigate hacking, accepting nonsensical assurances from News Corp. Mellor: People must never think that what they do is not going to be published. Mellor:France classically bad example of what happens when culture of privacy encourages overmighty to think can do what they like. Mellor: I don't think anyone who is presently employed by a newpaper should be part of a regulatory regime.
lisa o'carroll @lisaocarroll
Tour de Force by Mellor: politicians didn't invent adultery. If every adulterer was stoned to death, roads wud be 10 deep w bodies. Mellor says although his sex life splashed all over Sun, it's a small price to pay for freedom of press. It's the price we pay for scrutiny
IndexLeveson @IndexLeveson
Natalie Peck @nataliepeck
Jillian BradyMellor: do people carry placards saying hooray for the PCC? Of course they don't.
Natalie Peck
Mellor: How can anybody seriously defend a press complaints arrangement when one major owner is out of it? Mellor: 20 years is too long a time to wait for sensible regulation. Mellor says future regulation should have a judicial basis and has to be independent and properly resourced, should be proactive. Mellor: Why not be able to go and say we need to look at this because this is manifestly contrary to the code?
Guardian Live Blog:
Natalie Peck The reconstituted press regulator should appoint judges, Mellor says, and have the power to investigate.
Mellor suggests #Leveson should focus on traditional print media but leave reccomendations open for the internet.
Garnham, Counsel for the Met challenging Mellor on his assertions (hearsay) about Yates' reluctance to pursue the hacking case. |
Garnham (Met) says Mellor is in no better to comment on police practice than anyone else.
Mellor: I think all of us are entitled to comment on it, what those two men [Stephenson and Yates] did was utterly wrong.Mellor: The police had no enthusiasm to deal with this, they had a cozy little relationship with the Murdoch press. Mellor says to #Leveson: This is probably not very helpful, I have been dragged into this.
Mellor's testimony is over.
Guardian Live Blog HERE
Natalie Peck
Jillian Brady (general counsel, Virgin Atlantic Airlines) now up at #Leveson, asked about Guardian story on leaking details to Big Pictures.
Email was provided to Brady with flight details of eight celebrities. Journalist alleged the author was Virgin Atlantic employee. Brady: We reported the matter to the Information Commissioner and police after realised data could have possibly come from system. Press Gazette claimed there had been contact with Big Pictures over flights March 2011 relating to travel plans of 63 celebrities.
Josh Halliday
Here's the Guardian splash on Virgin Atlantic being raked over by #Leveson now http://bit.ly/HNGPQh Live blog: http://bit.ly/Losyc0
The Virgin Atlantic employee, who initially denied being behind the leak, admitted it on 16 April, Leveson hears.
Brady: From media reports we see Mail on Sunday article not based on infro from Virgin Atlantic (on John Yates flight details].
Brady: Many people in our organisation need to have access to flight information in order to do their jobs. Brady says staff member had training with a data protection element.
Brady: I don’t believe there is something we could do that could safeguard completely against information being leaked. Brady says Virgin Atlantic have not received a response from Big Pictures.
Brady's testimony is ended.
Statements to be read:
Josh Halliday
Nigel Regan
John Evans