"I want this inquiry to mean something", not end up as "footnote in some professor of journalism's analysis of 21 century history." LJ Leveson in reply to A Rusbridger's submission to Inquiry.
The Panel : top row (left to right)
The proceedings are shown here live on the Leveson Inquiry website.
Leveson Inquiry Witness List - Week beginning 5.12.11
Leveson Inquiry Witness Statements
Videos of Each Hearing on Official Leveson Inquiry Website
Bottom row (Left to right)
- Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights group Liberty
- George Jones, former Daily Telegraph political editor
- Sir David Bell, former chairman of the Financial Times
- Elinor Goodman, former Channel 4 political editor
- Lord David Currie, former chairman of Ofcom
- Sir Paul Scott-Lee, former West Midlands chief constable
BBC Democracy Live Leveson Inquiry live-feed here.
Full list of Core Participants to be found here. (Guardian Website)
Relevant links from mainstream media, blogs and social media:
(Twitter feed for Leveson Inquiry on right of Home page of this (#pressreform) blog.)
Leveson Inquiry Witness List - Week beginning 5.12.11
Leveson Inquiry Witness Statements
Videos of Each Hearing on Official Leveson Inquiry Website
Follow Leveson Inquiry on Twitter - #leveson #Leveson
Guardian Live Blog
Guardian Leveson Inquiry Round-up Page
Telegraph Live Blog
Leveson Inquiry - Evidence, Weeks 1 and 2 - a Crash Course on the Ways of the Tabloids - Inforrm's Blog
Video : BBC - BBC News Programmes - BBC News Special: the Phone-hacking Inquiry
BBC News - Phone-hacking Scandal: Who's Linked to Who? (excellent interactive graphics)
Application to Leveson Inquiry by Full Fact For Amendment of Restriction Order
What do You Do When an Entire System Fails? - David Allen Green for New Statesman
The Bureau, Bell Pottinger, Babies and Bathwater - The Free Speech Blog
I've Seen the Future and It's Crap, Michael Williams - BJR
Latest News: (many more links under Phone-hacking, Press and PCC tabs at head of this blog)
Glenn Mulcaire Arrested in Phone-hacking Investigation - Telegraph
Mark Lewis Files Formal Complaint About Crone at Bar Council - Independent
Rebekah Brooks? 'We Helped Choose Her Police Station' Says Bell Pottinger - Independent
PCC Proposes Wide-ranging Shake-up of Press Self-regulation - Guardian
Neville Thurlbeck's Letter to MPs - Full Text - Guardian
(Follows this recent article) :-
Neville Turlbeck tells the Inside Story of Hacking Scandal: 'I am Either a Fool or an Innocent Man...You Decide' - Press Gazette
James Murdoch's Lawyers Confirm Tom Watson Was Put Under Surveillance - Guardian
Brooks: Leveson testimony Will Prejudice Police Inquiry - Press Gazette
Wikipedia Founder Attacks Bell Pottinger For 'Ethical Blindness' - Independent
Wikipedia Suspends Accounts Over Bell Pottinger Claims - Telegraph
Bell Pottinger Group - Affected Articles - Wikipedia
All of TBIJ Srories in One Place - Lobbying's Hidden Influence - TBIJ
Thomson: We Dealt Honourably in Coverage of Hacking and 'Rough Trade' Tabloids - Wall Street Journal
A Tragic Case of Media and Medical Misconduct - One For Leveson? - Ben Goldacre
BBC College of Journalism - Reynolds Defence Revised
Video: Kelvin MacKenzie: If I could revisit Hillsborough I Would Do It Differently - the Wire - Press Gazette
Dreadful Kelvin McKenzie on BBC, justifying his Hillsborough "The Truth" 22 years on: "It came from a Liverpool news agency and journalists"
BBC News - Video - Kelvin MacKenzie on Hillsborough Coverage
Ethics Training is Not the Issue, Academics Tell Leveson - Journalism.co.uk
Thursday 8th December 2011 - ( Blog for Day 12 to be found here )
Today's Witnesses: Academics:- Professor Steven Barnett (University of Westminster), Professor George Brock (City University), Professor Brian Cathcart (Kingston University), Professor Ian Hargreaves (Cardiff University), Professor Julian Petley (Brunel University), Angela Phillips (Goldsmiths, University of London), Dr. Daithi Mac Sithigh (East Anglia University)
Professor Barnett, Professor Brock , Professor Cathcart and Angela Phillips introduced to Inquiry.
Follow Telegraph Live Blog for details of evidence.
From Telegraph Live Blog:
Leveson: I Don't Want to Beat Down Tabloids - Telegraph"Leveson gives this quite telling monologue:We want to celebrate all that is good about every aspect about the print media. It's been commented I've only focussed on all the criticism, but that is to fail to understand the nature of the process. All the titles will have their chance to put their perspective forward. I'm not seeking in any sense to beat down the mass market or tabloid press. They do an enormously valuable job. The problem is going to be to try and find a line and an approach so we can remove what some people consider to be a problem in our output."
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Professor Steven Barnett |
Full Witness Statement
Professor Barnett's Talk at Leveson Inquiry Seminar (via Hacked Off)
From Telegraph Live Blog:
"Barnett says the NCTJ - the industry standard training course - is regarded as "inflexible" and "narrow"."
Barnett: ethical problems on national tabloids aren't something you can teach someone 2 deal with. Down to individual moral courage #leveson
PCC was set up as regulator ProfStevenBarnett not just as a complaints review system #Leveson
Barnett: no facility for representation to be made on behalf of groups people to point out distortions/inaccuracies about them #leveson
Example From Full Fact showing The Way PCC Fails Goups making a Complaint
Example From Full Fact showing The Way PCC Fails Goups making a Complaint
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Professor George Brock |
Professor George Brock Profile
Full Witness Statement
From Telegraph Live Blog:
"Brock says he now teaches a course in "entrepreneurial journalism" - how to operate an internet start-up. These are unregulated, but the industry is changing rapidly."
Brock: PCC guilty of trying to pretend it's a regulator when actually it's a complaints mediation service. #Leveson
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Professor Brian Cathcart |
Brofessor Brian Cathcart Profile
Full Witness Statement
Professor Brian Cathcart's Talk at Leveson Inquiry Seminar - (via Hacked Off)
From Telegraph Live Blog:
"Cathcart says the NCTJ course does not have the stress on media ethics that he would like to see. "It is a reflection of the NCTJ being a servant of the industry.. they have not passed down from on high high standards of ethics."
Cathcart: Lots of journalists are not just making a moral choice but financial choice. Freelance/casual reporters are vulnerable. #Leveson
New journalists need financial as well as moral courage to stand up for their ethics says @BrianCathcart too true! #leveson
Cathcart: public trust in journalism has been damaged. Remedy must be seen to be radical. #leveson
Cathcart: a new step has to be taken and something has to be done to show that we take this seriously #leveson
Cathcart: Ofcom say the cost of what they deliver in terms of journalism not much higher than cost of the PCC #leveson
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Angela Phillips |
Angela Phillips Profile
Submission By Goldsmiths, University of London
From Telegraph Live Blog:
"Philips say the course (NCTJ) is simply an "imprint" of industry standards and says it is not taught at Goldsmiths University because they want their students to think critically about how journalism should change."
Philips: only two students from my course have gone to work on one of the red tops #leveson
Phillips: many young people want to work for more ethical papers but get trapped because redtops pay more. #leveson
Phillips: PCC brought in effective code on harassment, has worked for private people not celebrities. #Leveson
Witness Statement in Full
From Telegraph Live Blog:
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Professor Julian Petley |
Petley: great stress on teachingof ethics. We don't have modules labelled ethics, but a concern with it involves everything we do #leveson
Petley: we have an excellent, if shrinking, local and regional press. Lots of other journalism besides national press #leveson
Prof Petley, of Brunel University, says he advises his students not to work on tabs. remarkable from a journalism tutor? #leveson
@mattholehouse Matthew Holehouse
Prof Petley, of Brunel University, says he advises his students not to work on tabs. remarkable from a journalism tutor? #leveson
Julian Petley: Ethically minded papers should stop making common cause with the papers that have brought this inquiry into being .#leveson
Petley" It is possible to regulate the internet, whether it's desirable is another questions #Leveson
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Professor Ian Hargreaves |
Witness Statement in Full
From Telegraph Live Blog:
Hargreaves trots out three industry quotations, which, he says, show unlike the United States the British press has a historic aversion to the notion of journalism 'academics'. (One can tell he teaches a journalism course.)
The only qualities essential for real success in journalism are rat-like cunning, a plausible manner, and a little literary ability. (Nicholas Tomalin, Sunday Times)
Ethics is a place to the east of London where the men wear white socks
(Kelvin Mackenzie, the Sun)A craft to be mastered in four days, and abandoned at the first sign of a better job.
(HL Mencken, American essayist)
Hargreaves: The journalistic culture has a long and deep history of thinking what people like us do isn't very important. #Leveson
Hargreaves: Inquiry is being seen in tabloid press as elitist and irrelevant to their concerns. #Leveson
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Dr Daithi Mac Sithigh |
Dr Daithi Mac Sithigh Profile
Witness Statement in Full
Witness Statement in Full
Mac Sithigh: Many people I know are now teaching the Leveson Inquiry (#Leveson finds this rather disturbing).