"I want this inquiry to mean something", not end up as "footnote in some professor of journalism's analysis of 21 century history." LJ Leveson in reply to A Rusbridger's submission to Inquiry.
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Lord Justice Leveson (from Telegraph) |
The Panel : top row (left to right)
(Twitter feed for Leveson Inquiry on right of Home page of this (#pressreform) blog.)
Follow Leveson Inquiry:-
Bottom row (Left to right)
- Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights group Liberty
- George Jones, former Daily Telegraph political editor
- Sir David Bell, former chairman of the Financial Times
- Elinor Goodman, former Channel 4 political editor
- Lord David Currie, former chairman of Ofcom
- Sir Paul Scott-Lee, former West Midlands chief constable
The proceedings are shown here live on the Leveson Inquiry website.
BBC Democracy Live Leveson Inquiry live-feed here.
Full list of Core Participants to be found here. (Guardian Website)
Relevant links from mainstream media, blogs and social media:
(Twitter feed for Leveson Inquiry on right of Home page of this (#pressreform) blog.)
Follow Leveson Inquiry:-
- on Twitter - #leveson #Leveson
- Dan Sabbagh on Twitter
- Alan Rusbridger on Twitter
- Josh Halliday on Twitter (at Mulcaire Hearing, High Court)
- Guardian Live Blog of Today's Leveson Inquiry Proceedings
- Reports From Press Gazette
- Telegraph Live Blog
Links to articles from media, blog pieces, comment relevant to today's proceedings:
BBC News - Phone-hacking: the Main Players
BBC News - Infographic on links in phone-hacking scandal
Guardian Leveson Inquiry Round-up Page
Phone-hacking: Full text of Statement Issued By Dowler Family Lawyer - Guardian (following Police revelation over the weekend that NotW did not delete messages from Milly Dowler's mobile phone)
Police Logs Raise Questions Over Deletion of Milly Dowler's Voicemails - Guardian
Audioboo - Nick Davies on the Milly Dowler Voicemails on Sky News - via @lisaocarroll
Further Statement - Sally and Bob Dowler - Hacking Inquiry - Hacked Off
New Inquiry Into Milly Dowler Hacking Launched - Guardian
Letters to Select Committee from James Murdoch and Linklaters
Background to the 'For Neville' Email - Guardian
BBC News - James Murdoch Apologises to MPs Over New Email
Who Will Say Sorry to Rupert? - Kelvin MacKenzie - Spectator
Frozen Planet Criticism is Prompted by BBC's Leveson Coverage - Thompson - Guardian
The Real Reason that Mazher Mahmood Left the Sunday Times Under a Cloud - Roy Greenslade - Guardian
Guardian Accused of 'Sexing up' Phone-hack Coverage - Press Gazette
Audio - BBC Today Programme - Thurlbeck: 'NotW Chose to do Nothing About Phone-hack Claims'
Guardian Faces Fleet Street Backlash Over Changing Story on Milly Dowler Message Deletions - Press Gazette
Neville Thurlbeck: Knowledge of Phone-hacking 'Went to the Top' of NotW - Guardian
Video - What Paul Dacre thought of the Lord Justice Eady Privacy Judgement - Sky News- Nov 2008
Leveson Inquiry: Round-up from Journalism.co.uk
Video - BBC News - Dowler family 'Upset' Over daily Mail Phone-call
Colin Myler Grilled Over Mosley Sex Party 'Blackmail' Bid - Press Gazette
Wednesday 15th December 2011 - Session begins at 10.00 a.m.
( Link to Blog for Day 15 here )
Transcript of Morning Hearing 14 December 2011 (pdf, 170KB)
From Guardian Live Blog 9.51 a.m.:
"A 37-year-old woman has been arrested this morning as part of Operation Elveden, the Scotland Yard investigation into payments to police.The Metropolitan police issued this statement this morning:From Telegraph Live Blog:
At 0615hrs on Thursday, 15 December, officers arrested a woman on suspicion of committing offences involving making payments to police officers for information.
She was arrested at a residential address in Surrey, and has been taken to a south London police station where she remains in custody.
This is the seventh arrest under Operation Elveden. 16 people have been arrested under Op Weeting and one person arrested under Op Tuleta."
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Max Clifford |
"09.40 Max Clifford: tabloids are holding off celebrities stories because of Leveson.
Tabloids are declining to publish sensational stories about the private lives of celebrities as they fear a backlash from readers disgusted by the revelations of the Leveson Inquiry, celebrity publicist Max Clifford has told The Times."
Former NoW Journalist Arrested Over Alleged Payments to Police - Guardian
Phone-hacking: Senior Met Officers Dined With News of the World Editors - Guardian - Feb. 2011
Today's Witnesses :- Colin Myler (cntd.), Daniel Sanderson, Derek Webb
Colin Myler
Colin Myler Page - Guardian
James Murdoch, Colin Myler and Tom Crone Emails - Full Text - Guardian
Video - Colin Myler and Tom Crone Give Evidence to MPs - Guardian - Dan Sabbagh Analysis
Fresh Evidence Casts Doubt on Murdoch Stance - Financial Times - 13.12.11
Ian Burrell: James Murdoch's Blackberry Defence is Hard to Swallow - Independent
McCanns: 'Angry' Colin Myler 'Berated' Us Over Interview - Press Gazette
Leveson Calls NoW Emails to Women in Max Mosley Story 'Frankly Outrageous' - Guardian
Colin Myler joined News of the World in 2007 following resignation of Andy Coulson.
Jay refers to the reason why Myler left the Sunday Mirror after a court case.
Sunday Mirror Fined £75 000 for Contempt of Court - Guardian
Leveson asks whether the effects of that experience has governed his ethical behaviour since, although Myler's explanation as to what happened exonerated him.
Myler says after Goodman Mulcaire trial, was an atmosphere of shock and dismay. When Myler arrived, he made changes, including in style.
Jay wants to know what the culture was like at the NotW before he arrived. Myler says he believed in delegating, managerial and collective responsibility and accountability.
Myler denies there wasn't an ethical culture before he arrived. Managers knew rules.
Myler instigated a system of payments to lawful and legitimate sources and participants of stories - cash payments. Leveson stresses the word 'cash'.
McMullan had mentioned expenses cheating in News of the World.Myler says he didn't recognise that picture. Now completely destroying McMullan's evidence.
Cash payments in his tenure as Editor fell up to 89%.
Mazher Mahmood's expenses were not exactly ring-fenced but need to be less strictly examined because of the cases he dealt with.
Jay asking just how Myler reduced expenses. Myler just said he was much stricter. Sources were not paid so freely. The department Features had to work in a completely different way after his arrival as Editor.
Jay asked how he changed the payments regime.
Jay now addressing Privacy Law. Myler noticed changed Privacy Law landscape when he returned from America in 2006. Was now becoming challenging to meet the laws the courts had laid down. He feels lawyers were cashing in by pointing money-making chances out to those whose photo had been printed, for instance. Leveson intervenes and Myler admits he may have been too harsh.
Mosley case: Myler says two rival papers were having stories from the NotW leaked to them at that time. He wanted to reduce the chance of this so put the story in a later edition not the first. Myler watched the whole Mosley video and because of 'custom and practice' it was placed on the website. Jay asks if any of the video was appropriate to put up, Myler says it would have difficult to find anything on it which was appropriate.
Myler says the video was put up as evidence that what took place, took place. Leveson: Was there no questioning of the propriety of it in circumstances in which they knew Mosley would go for an injunction. Myler says thought was given to this.
Jay asks why not confine themselves to the written word - why the images? Myler says that's just what they did. Jay asks why not a 'family rated' version? Myler says he believes they had independent advice from Counsel. Article emerged 30th March - Myler on holiday for the 2nd article 6th April. But he takes responsibility for it.
Leveson wants Myler's opinion as to what he would have done if he had been available on the decision-making. In court, Myler was asked about emails to the 2 women involved in the case. Myler can't tell Jay when he saw the emails.
Myler thinks he may just have been told about them. When he was questioned about the emails in court, it wasn't the first time he'd seen them. Jay asks if he was surprised. He agreed that the wording in the emails could have been interpreted as a threat. Myler is surprised Thurlbeck said Thurlbeck didn't send them or even write them.
Copy of the Judgement in the High Court - Newsgroup Newspapers v Max Mosley
Myler says what was in those emails was unnecessary. He doesn't know why he didn't reprimand Thurlbeck.
Extract from email:
LJ Leveson expressing disbelief that Myler and Thurlbeck etc didn't consider the wording in those emails as a threat.he says Thurlbeck still doesn't 'get it'. Myler agreeing and says experienced journalists shouldn't behave like this. Repeating his shock that the NotW seem to think the courts and judges were wrong in passing the judgements they did.
#leveson asks, however experienced they (Thurlbeck and whoever wrote email) were, they certainly weren't professional
Myler said the atosphere at NotW on his arrival was very 'laddish' - few women. Thought the tone of the paper was 'loutish'. He appointed a women deputy, brought in more women. Words, headlines and pictures were changed and tried to move language towards the female readership. New Features Editor - a woman.
Jay pressing him to state what things were like before he took over. Leveson suggests that until today, he has been less than honest in his evidence.
Myler wanted to put the story forward for 'Scoop of the Year' award.
From Telegraph Live Blog:
Jay now asking about PIs.
Myler sent out letter including the use of PIs.
Now discussing Webb, PI. Myler was told that it would be better for Webb to become a journalist. Was a thoughtful, sensible proposition by the journalist who suggested that Webb be given an NUJ card.
After Webb's court case and his return to NotW, Myler said he doesn't remember what work Webb did. No deatils of the jobs he was given to do.
Did Myler take advice from Crone? If he wasn't away, yes, or Leading Counsel.His advice was always very clear.
Michael Phelps story: photograph taken of MP smoking cannabis on a University campus. Jay says smoking cannabis is at the lowest end of criminality. Jay asks where the photo taken, how? Myler says someone at the party took it. Can't remember where the photo came from. Jay says it was a private party but breaking the law. Myler said it was justifie because Phelps was a huge role-model breaking the law. Justifies the public interest side. Outweighs the privacy issue.
Edmondson had reassured him that permission had been given through Clarence Mitchell, the McCann's spokesman.
Myler is sounding very unsure of himself. Jay sensing this.
Myler blaming either Clarence Mitchell or Ian Edmondson.
Or the Portugese Police!
Leveson: the document (assurance of agreement from Clarence Mitchell and the McCanns) does not set the agreement out in words of one syllable does it? This document is most clearly ambiguous, isn't it? Not terribly clear, would you agree with that?Myler said they apologised to McCanns and made a donation to McCann;s charity. leveson: Substantial donation? Myler: Oh, yes.
Myler session over for today.
15th December 2011:-
From Guardian Live Blog:
From Guardian Live Blog:
Jay puts to Myler that Silk's advice meant that the evidence in the taylor case would be very damaging to the company.
Myler says it felt, and he stated so at the time privately, that there were 'bombs' in the Newsroom just waiting to off.
Myler says he hadn't a clear idea of what was being advised to him. He thought the amount being offered to Taylor was enormous. 'Huge figures'. Taylor was in a very strong position. Jay: weren't you told or did you not ask as to the true value of the claim being made by Taylor. Myler doesn't recollect much about the conversations had at the time. He felt they had no choice but to settle. Had no authority to bargain.
85% of his work was surveillance on MPs, sports stars, celebrities. the remaining 15% drugdealers etc.
Daniel Sanderson
News of the World Reporter: I Felt Very Bad Over Kate McCann Diary Story - Guardian
Witness Statement in Full
From Guardian:
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Colin Myler former Editor News of the World |
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Colin Myler, closure of News of the World |
Full Witness Statements:
Witness Statement of Colin Myler (pdf, 529KB)
Second Witness Statement of Colin Myler (pdf, 107KB)
Third Witness Statement of Colin Myler (pdf, 290KB)
Second Witness Statement of Colin Myler (pdf, 107KB)
Third Witness Statement of Colin Myler (pdf, 290KB)
Colin Myler Page - Guardian
James Murdoch, Colin Myler and Tom Crone Emails - Full Text - Guardian
Video - Colin Myler and Tom Crone Give Evidence to MPs - Guardian - Dan Sabbagh Analysis
Fresh Evidence Casts Doubt on Murdoch Stance - Financial Times - 13.12.11
Ian Burrell: James Murdoch's Blackberry Defence is Hard to Swallow - Independent
McCanns: 'Angry' Colin Myler 'Berated' Us Over Interview - Press Gazette
Leveson Calls NoW Emails to Women in Max Mosley Story 'Frankly Outrageous' - Guardian
Colin Myler joined News of the World in 2007 following resignation of Andy Coulson.
Jay refers to the reason why Myler left the Sunday Mirror after a court case.
Sunday Mirror Fined £75 000 for Contempt of Court - Guardian
Leveson asks whether the effects of that experience has governed his ethical behaviour since, although Myler's explanation as to what happened exonerated him.
Colin Myler fmr NotW ed at #leveson : saying paper scored highly in staff survey on ethics etc by early 2011
Myler recounts being sacked from Sunday Mirror for publishing story which a judge ruled prejudiced trial of Lee Bowyer #Leveson
Jay asked about disciplinary proceedings between 2007 - 11. Myler says there were cases but none ended in dismissal. There were some mediated complaints - 20 or 30. One from the PCC - soon after Myler's arrival at NotW - he can't remember details. Jay says it led to PCC judgement re lack of prominance of an adjudication. Myler says he doesn't remember. One journalist was given a written warning, 2009 - 10.
Discussing Myler's responsibilities and ensuring compliance.
Jay asked about disciplinary proceedings between 2007 - 11. Myler says there were cases but none ended in dismissal. There were some mediated complaints - 20 or 30. One from the PCC - soon after Myler's arrival at NotW - he can't remember details. Jay says it led to PCC judgement re lack of prominance of an adjudication. Myler says he doesn't remember. One journalist was given a written warning, 2009 - 10.
Discussing Myler's responsibilities and ensuring compliance.
Jay wants to know what the culture was like at the NotW before he arrived. Myler says he believed in delegating, managerial and collective responsibility and accountability.
Myler denies there wasn't an ethical culture before he arrived. Managers knew rules.
Myler instigated a system of payments to lawful and legitimate sources and participants of stories - cash payments. Leveson stresses the word 'cash'.
McMullan had mentioned expenses cheating in News of the World.Myler says he didn't recognise that picture. Now completely destroying McMullan's evidence.
Myler at #leveson : McMullan drifted off into a world of car chases, hacking phone, blagging; that's not a world I recognise
Mazher Mahmood's expenses were not exactly ring-fenced but need to be less strictly examined because of the cases he dealt with.
Jay asking just how Myler reduced expenses. Myler just said he was much stricter. Sources were not paid so freely. The department Features had to work in a completely different way after his arrival as Editor.
Jay asked how he changed the payments regime.
Myler changed the Staff. Myler says he doesn't want to cast aspertions on individuals by naming them. Leveson says he need not as the implications are clear.
Jay now addressing Privacy Law. Myler noticed changed Privacy Law landscape when he returned from America in 2006. Was now becoming challenging to meet the laws the courts had laid down. He feels lawyers were cashing in by pointing money-making chances out to those whose photo had been printed, for instance. Leveson intervenes and Myler admits he may have been too harsh.
Mosley case: Myler says two rival papers were having stories from the NotW leaked to them at that time. He wanted to reduce the chance of this so put the story in a later edition not the first. Myler watched the whole Mosley video and because of 'custom and practice' it was placed on the website. Jay asks if any of the video was appropriate to put up, Myler says it would have difficult to find anything on it which was appropriate.
Myler says the video was put up as evidence that what took place, took place. Leveson: Was there no questioning of the propriety of it in circumstances in which they knew Mosley would go for an injunction. Myler says thought was given to this.
Jay asks why not confine themselves to the written word - why the images? Myler says that's just what they did. Jay asks why not a 'family rated' version? Myler says he believes they had independent advice from Counsel. Article emerged 30th March - Myler on holiday for the 2nd article 6th April. But he takes responsibility for it.
Leveson wants Myler's opinion as to what he would have done if he had been available on the decision-making. In court, Myler was asked about emails to the 2 women involved in the case. Myler can't tell Jay when he saw the emails.
Myler thinks he may just have been told about them. When he was questioned about the emails in court, it wasn't the first time he'd seen them. Jay asks if he was surprised. He agreed that the wording in the emails could have been interpreted as a threat. Myler is surprised Thurlbeck said Thurlbeck didn't send them or even write them.
Copy of the Judgement in the High Court - Newsgroup Newspapers v Max Mosley
Myler says what was in those emails was unnecessary. He doesn't know why he didn't reprimand Thurlbeck.
Extract from email:
"I’m just about to send you a series of pictures which will form the basis of our article this week. We want to reveal the identities of the girls involved in the orgy with Max as this is the only follow up we have to our story.
Our preferred story however, would be you speaking to us directly about your dealings with Max. And for that we would be extremely grateful. In return for this, we would grant you full anonimity [sic], pixilate your faces on all photographs and secure a substantial sum of money for you. This puts you firmly in the driving seat and allows you much greater control as well as preserving your anonimities.
BUT time is running out for us and if you want to come on board, you need to start the ball rolling now.'
LJ Leveson expressing disbelief that Myler and Thurlbeck etc didn't consider the wording in those emails as a threat.he says Thurlbeck still doesn't 'get it'. Myler agreeing and says experienced journalists shouldn't behave like this. Repeating his shock that the NotW seem to think the courts and judges were wrong in passing the judgements they did.
Myler at #Leveson :I and notw were humiliated by Mosley privacy victory
Myler said the atosphere at NotW on his arrival was very 'laddish' - few women. Thought the tone of the paper was 'loutish'. He appointed a women deputy, brought in more women. Words, headlines and pictures were changed and tried to move language towards the female readership. New Features Editor - a woman.
Myler now trying to get feminist points. #leveson
Jay pressing him to state what things were like before he took over. Leveson suggests that until today, he has been less than honest in his evidence.
Myler wanted to put the story forward for 'Scoop of the Year' award.
From Telegraph Live Blog:
"15.25 Jay says Myler's view now of the Neville Thurlbeck and his emails to women contradicts what he told the select committee, when he said Thurlbeck was "professional".What Paul Dacre thought of the Lord Justice Eady Privacy Judgement - Sky News
Myler says in hindsight he should have issued Thurlbeck and his colleague a formal written reprimand for the email.Jay notes he subsequently nominated the Max Mosley story for 'scoop of the year' at the British Press Awards. "You weren't contrite, you were proud of all of this," snaps Jay."Let's be clear, the NOTW was humiliated by Mr Mosley's court victory. I was humiliated. It was a landmark in how tabloid newspapers have to approach those kinds of stories. I wasn't gloating," responds Myler."
Jay now asking about PIs.
Myler sent out letter including the use of PIs.
Myler says cash payments only permitted in exceptional circumstances, each one recorded after Jan 2007 #leveson
Myler: respected and accepted Eady J's decision, but I didn't totally agree with it, no #leveson
Myler at #leveson : Mosley "brutal and depraved" orgy was not ethical standard FIA would expect
From Telegraph Live Blog:
"15.42 Myler says when he took over the use of private investigators had to be within the PCC code and the law. They could not be used for 'arms' length journalism'."From Guardian Live Blog:
"Myler says he thought the story on Mosley was justified.YR:
Mr Mosley was the head of the richest sport in the world. It had a global membership of 120m including the Automobile Association. As head of that he presided over a huge expansion programme, he should have displayed ethical standards … taking part in orgies that were brutal and depraved and included paying women for sex was not [behaviour] the FIA could reasonably accept."
Now discussing Webb, PI. Myler was told that it would be better for Webb to become a journalist. Was a thoughtful, sensible proposition by the journalist who suggested that Webb be given an NUJ card.
After Webb's court case and his return to NotW, Myler said he doesn't remember what work Webb did. No deatils of the jobs he was given to do.
Myler : Became aware of Derek Webb when he was arrested. The case collapsed. I was told he was excellent so got him an NUJ card #leveson
Myler: Webb becoming memebr of NUJ made him "more aware of the responsibilities of working for the NoW" #leveson
PIs would work to ascertain the veracity of a story.
Tip-offs for a story came from a regular circle of people, Max Clifford etc.
Michael Phelps story: photograph taken of MP smoking cannabis on a University campus. Jay says smoking cannabis is at the lowest end of criminality. Jay asks where the photo taken, how? Myler says someone at the party took it. Can't remember where the photo came from. Jay says it was a private party but breaking the law. Myler said it was justifie because Phelps was a huge role-model breaking the law. Justifies the public interest side. Outweighs the privacy issue.
Phelp's agent was contacted and told they had the photos. Jay - didn't you risk allowing them to get an injunction? Myler:Yes. Phelp's people offered much money to keep the picture out of the papers.
McCanns: NotW very supportive of the McCanns - frequent contact with Gerry McCann. Ian Edmonson would speak to McCann's spokesman.
Jay mentions the 'irate' phone-call from Myler to the McCanns. Myler denies it.
Myler: relationship with Gerry McCann was such that he would call and thank me for what the NoW had been doing #leveson
Myler: I had no cause at any stage to berate or be irate with Gerry McCann. It was a relationship I valued #Leveson
From Guardian Live Blog:
"Myler is asked about Gerry McCann's claims three weeks ago at the inquiry that Myler had an "irate" phone call with the couple following a decision to do an interview with Hello! magazine.Jay mentions document where details of buying the Diary of Kate McCann are laid out. Jay asks about Kate McCann's permission and whether he was going to ask KM before they printed it. The journalist who had procured the Diary from the Portugese Police wasn't to be paid until the Diary was printed. Jay asked why he didn't contact kate McCann to ask permission. Edmondson had assured him their spokesman had said it would be fine. Myler said he wouldn't have published if he hadn't had KM's permission.
Myler says:
I was surprised to hear that from Gerry. I think he said I berated him. I do not have a reputation for berating people.Myler says in paragraph five and six in his statement the newspaper was "very supportive" of the McCanns and he wouldn't adopt the stance taken by other papers. Jay now raises the issue of the McCann diaries.
The paper had a very succesful campaign and raised £1.5m in 48 hours. He spoke to Gerry McCann frequently – every few weeks, depending on what was happening."
Edmondson had reassured him that permission had been given through Clarence Mitchell, the McCann's spokesman.
Myler is sounding very unsure of himself. Jay sensing this.
Myler blaming either Clarence Mitchell or Ian Edmondson.
Or the Portugese Police!
Leveson: the document (assurance of agreement from Clarence Mitchell and the McCanns) does not set the agreement out in words of one syllable does it? This document is most clearly ambiguous, isn't it? Not terribly clear, would you agree with that?
Myler session over for today.
15th December 2011:-
From Guardian Live Blog:
"Myler is being asked about Farrer partner Julian Pike's notes on a conversation they had about the Gordon Taylor settlement, which contains the phrase "wait for silk's view"."I don't recall this conversation," says Myler."
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Transcript of Julian Pike Call with Colin Myler (via Guardian) |
"Myler says it is difficult to go back and look at notes given the information that has come to light from police subsequently.
Another point in the note says: "CM - my position as Editor - cannot ignore it - back to CG+"Myler agrees this suggests he could not ignore allegations made by the former royal editor Clive Goodman who alleged after he was dismissed that others at the News of the World were involved in illegal activities.
Myler says he was aware at the time that the police removed three sacks of material from Glenn Mulcaire's home when he was arrested and he had assumed they would have, if they had any evidence, spoken to others. "YR:
Jay puts to Myler that Silk's advice meant that the evidence in the taylor case would be very damaging to the company.
Myler says it felt, and he stated so at the time privately, that there were 'bombs' in the Newsroom just waiting to off.
Myler says he hadn't a clear idea of what was being advised to him. He thought the amount being offered to Taylor was enormous. 'Huge figures'. Taylor was in a very strong position. Jay: weren't you told or did you not ask as to the true value of the claim being made by Taylor. Myler doesn't recollect much about the conversations had at the time. He felt they had no choice but to settle. Had no authority to bargain.
CM: Assumed Pike and Crone had more experience in dealing with this (Taylor). Huge figures talked about, T in v strong position. #Leveson
Myler: company understandably keen to get everything back on track, 'no appetite' to go back to that place #Leveson
Myler says he wasn't involved in the negotiations every step of the way. Jay says final say would have had to come from Myler or the Chief Executive. Jay quotes from document in early June - states the amount £350 000 - Myler says the amount seemed to be going up.Myler can't remember meeting or conversation. Says Crone skilled and experienced and would know what he was doing in negotiations.
Myler says Taylor had said he wanted a million pounds or a trial. Myler says 'he was out to get the paper.'
From Guardian Live Blog:
"Yes, but I wouldn't have taken it upon myself to sanction that kind of money, because I would have had to go to the chief executive for the authority for that.Jay then refers to an attendance note of a meeting on 6 June 2008. It says that "JCP [Pike] had sent across a Part 36 offer for £350,000".
The QC concludes: "The best evidence we have is that this offer was made on 6 June, which was after the advice from Silverleaf and before the meeting on June 10 with Murdoch."
Jay says instructions must therefore have come from Myler or Murdoch, because Pike himself couldn't make instructions. Those had to come from the client."
"Another note from Tom Crone to Myler shows that he was forwarded an email from Julian Pike regarding the settlement which says that Taylor "wants to demonstrate that what happended to him is/was rife throughout the organisation".These emails were released to the select committee earlier this week. Myler says he has only seen them recently because News International had refused to release his correspondence to him."
Myler asks for forgiveness for "intemperate" language used in note. Suggests his "northern gene was kicking in". #leveson
It was Myler's feeling that J Murdoch wanted to settle, but perhaps for less than £1m. He cannot remember what Silverleaf's figure was.
Silverleaf had named 3 people involved with gaining illegally information about Taylor's affairs. This came from evidence the police had.
CM: "For Neville" indicated another reporter had transcribed it and another named. #Leveson
PCC - Letter Myler wrote to PCC in 2006 - to reassure that Mulcaire and Goodman were the only transgressors. Leveson understands that Myler had only been in his job for 3 weeks, but didn't the people who helped Myler compile the letter realise ther hacking etc was more widespread?
Leveson now giving Myler time to read 5 documents in private.
Leveson now giving Myler time to read 5 documents in private.
Myler: had been at the newspaper for three weeks when sent 22 Feb 07 letter to PCC (which Mr Jay is asking about) #Leveson
Myler: was responding to 7 Feb letter from Mr Toulmin (then director of the PCC) #Leveson
From Guardian Live Blog:
Derek Webb
From Telegraph:
Tom Crone Denies Knowing Webb Was Private Investigator - Journalism.co.uk
Myler Sanctioned Private Investigator's NUJ Membership - Press Gazette
From Guardian Live Blog:
""They are discussing a letter to the PCC just three or four weeks into the job and another piece of correspondence on 10 May 2007 that deals with the issue of cash payments.Myler says he has "finessed all rules" to avoid a "Goodman style recurrence"."
Reading from the correspondence, Robert Jay QC asks if it was his policy that "requests for cash payments must be accompanied by compelling and written justification signed off by the relevant department head".Myler says he thinks that process was already in place when he arrived.
He agrees that this covered for payments for surveillance – if it was private, he would expect to see details.
Jay asks if the "clear and convincing justification" for cash payments had to be in writing.Myler replies:
Preferably it would be in writing, but if it was something for which the departmental head was requesting anonymity, he may have preferred a meeting with the managing editor."
"They are now discussion a Guardian report that the police had evidence that the paper had hacked into thousands of mobile phones.He said he "didn't have any evidence to support" what the Guardian had reported.
I didn't have any direct information that our internal inquiries had gone to that point. One of the things that weighed heavily with me was that the police hadn't interviewed anyone else but Goodman in its inquiries. I was relying on what the police said."
Myler: i wasn't present at the (Goodcaire) trial, I could only rely on those who were there. Tell #leveson he didn't read the transcript
#leveson refers to piece in Times quoting Max Clifford saying tabloids are holding off some celeb stories because of inquiry
CM: No suggestion that anybody works on the basis that a story ought to be true, you establish if it is true. #Leveson
Myler being asked about what MacKenzie said at Leveson seminar "you look at a story and if it looks right you lob it in". #leveson
Myler: never been involved with any set of photographs that have ever been doctored (being asked about pap snaps of celebs) #leveson
Myler at #leveson : you (as editor) make decisions that disappoint execs on why you don't want to publish a certain story
Myler: harassment of mother of Hugh Grant's baby outside her house "unacceptable" #leveson
Myler at #leveson : maybe it's time for newspaper industry to reflect on moral matters
CM: My experience of PCC is that self-regulation does work. #Leveson: Mr Myler, the PCC doesn't regulate anybody.
During the Lunch Break, Dan Sabbagh posted this on the Guardian Live Blog:
"Dan Sabbagh writes:
Earlier Colin Myler was asked about his understanding of the "for Neville" email in 2008 - and it was compared to a letter he wrote to the PCC in August 2009, shortly after the Guardian wrote the first story saying there was evidence of wider phone hacking at the News of the World.
Here's what Colin Myler wrote to the PCC in August 2009 as regards the Gordon Taylor case:
"Our internal enquiries have found no evidence of involvement by News of the World staff other than Clive Goodman in phone message interception beyond the e-mail transcript which emerged in April 2008 during the Gordon Taylor litigation and which has since been revealed in the original Guardian report. That e-mail was dated June 29 2005 and consisted of a transcript of voicemails from the phone of Gordon Taylor and another person which had apparently been recorded by Glenn Mulcaire. The email and transcript were created by a junior reporter (who has since left the newspaper). When questioned after the e-mail was supplied to us by Gordon Taylor's lawyers in April 2008, the junior reporter accepted that he had created the relevant e-mail document but had no recollection of it beyond that. Since by the end of June 2005 he had been a reporter for only a week or so (having been promoted 'off the floor' where he had been a messenger) and since the first months of his reporting career consisted largely of transcribing tapes for other people, his lack of recollection when questioned three years later is perhaps understandable."
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Derek Webb, PI, News of the World |
From Telegraph:
"Former police detective turned private investigator Derek Webb, who was hired by News International, will also give evidence to the inquiry.
Mr Webb was the only private detective former News of the World editor Colin Myler admitted hiring yesterday.
The inquiry heard Mr Webb was arrested over work with a journalist in Thames Valley and was barred for working for the tabloid.
But when the case collapsed, he was rehired but was told he should register as a journalist with the National Union of Journalists (NUJ).
Asked about Mr Webb's work, Mr Myler said yesterday: "I never had any reason to be asked or questioned about the work he had done via an issue or a payment or a complaint or a problem.""
Myler Sanctioned Private Investigator's NUJ Membership - Press Gazette
Webb worked for NoW for 2003-2011 with a break 2007-2009. Worked under Coulson and Myler. #Leveson
From 2003-2011, Webb placed 150 different people under surveillance at instruction of NoW #leveson
DW: Had conversation with Thurlbeck. Told him I specialised in surveillance + undercover. He said "look me up when you retire". #Leveson
DW: Applied for PI licence individually. If doing surveillance I would have authority (if stopped by police). #Leveson
From Guardian Live Blog:
"Webb confirms that prior to working at the New of the World that he had never worked freelance or otherwise as a journalist. His only specialism was police work.He worked for the NoW for a period of eight years to 2011 with a break in the middle of about 15 months up to March 2009."
Webb would get a call from Newsdesk with details and instructions of a job they wanted him to do. Phone, text email were means used. Patry Hoskins now asking about emails and has one as example to show how Webb got his instructions.
Asks Webb if he ever got an email with transcript of voicemessage on it.
Asks Webb if there was any difference in work given to him after Coulson left and Myler took over. Journalists came and went but his jobs didn't.
PH asks if he was ever given Code of practice or any other compliance instructions.
Webb: never received copy of PCC code in 2007 #leveson
Webb says unaware of letter from Myler Feb 2007 referring to use of PIs. #leveson
Telegraph Live Blog:
""I was arrested with a serving police officer on the strength of a voicemail message. I was charged with five offences of adiding and abetting misconduct in public office. One charge related to an email relating to the NOTW," he says.
Webb met Mr Crone and Stuart Kuttner at the News of the World. "I'm certain as can be" that Mr Crone was there. "They advised me that because I'd been charged I could not work for NOTW and I was entitled to work for any other newspaper."Webb was bailed for 18 months, and the case went to legal arguments before a judge and was dropped."
Crone and Kuttner organised the compromise agreement. Now discussing terms of the agreement. After case was dropped, Webb rang NotW. To get his job back, he had to change his email address, get an NUJ card, and change the name of his company to Silent Shadow.
Thurlbeck told him it was because of the Glenn Mulcaire and Clive Goodman case. Webb agreed these terms. Webb found it easy to get a card put down on the form that he was a researcher. Leveson finds it amusing how easy it was for him to get a card.
PH asks if he suddenly bcame a journalist? Did anything change at all in his work after he got his NUJ card? Webb says no. He usually knew the story he was working on, but wasn't given many details nor any rules as in public interest etc.
Webb was now known as a freelance journalist.
He was told that he wasn't to put anywhere on an invoice that he was a PI, or undertaking surveillance.
Webb would send his invoice in and they would send back an acknowledgement and then a few days later his money would be forwarded. lways paid this way, never in cash.
Colin Myler never personally instructed him.
DW: Instructions were never vague, but you might have to chase things. Follow person A to get to person B and C (A not target). #Leveson
DW: Always acted on info, never fishing expedition. #Leveson: It depends how you define fishing expedition, doesn't it?
85% of his work was surveillance on MPs, sports stars, celebrities. the remaining 15% drugdealers etc.
Did not surveille people who were 'known' to fraternise with criminals.
Discussing Webb's surveillance of Tom Watson. He was given specific instructions, not a phishing expedition.
Harris/Lewis: Webb was asked initially to follow 2 solicitors. News Desk pulled him out of Surrey to go to Manchester. Didn't know anything about who or what.
Initially asked to follow 1 to see if they led to the other. Webb can't remember who instructed him.
next ay, he rang the Newsdesk and said 'there's no man here'. He described a woman with dark hair to the ND and they told him to keep following her. The footage was to be collected from his hotel that night. Envelope with footage addressed to Ian Edmondson. A note written to Edmondson by Webb. Was told to stand down, it was not the right woman. He was asked on 10th April to go again to Manchester armed with 2 photographs. 1 was a man (not Mark Lewis), 1 was Charlotte Harris. Went on 12th. Was fruitless visit. was informed that ND had found they were in London.
PH asked why Webb decided to speak out.
Webb said it was because when NotW had closed down, he didn't get same financial payments as the others, said he hadn't worked long enough for them. Was blackmailed, threatened with false claims.
Questioning of Derek Webb ended here.
Discussing Webb's surveillance of Tom Watson. He was given specific instructions, not a phishing expedition.
Harris/Lewis: Webb was asked initially to follow 2 solicitors. News Desk pulled him out of Surrey to go to Manchester. Didn't know anything about who or what.
Initially asked to follow 1 to see if they led to the other. Webb can't remember who instructed him.
next ay, he rang the Newsdesk and said 'there's no man here'. He described a woman with dark hair to the ND and they told him to keep following her. The footage was to be collected from his hotel that night. Envelope with footage addressed to Ian Edmondson. A note written to Edmondson by Webb. Was told to stand down, it was not the right woman. He was asked on 10th April to go again to Manchester armed with 2 photographs. 1 was a man (not Mark Lewis), 1 was Charlotte Harris. Went on 12th. Was fruitless visit. was informed that ND had found they were in London.
PH asked why Webb decided to speak out.
Webb said it was because when NotW had closed down, he didn't get same financial payments as the others, said he hadn't worked long enough for them. Was blackmailed, threatened with false claims.
DW: During 3 months after closure was in contact with NI because wanted loyalty payment like other freelancers. #Leveson
Daniel Sanderson
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Daniel Sanderson, ex-News of the World Journalist |
News of the World Reporter: I Felt Very Bad Over Kate McCann Diary Story - Guardian
Witness Statement in Full
From Guardian:
"Daniel Sanderson the News of the World reporter whose name appeared on the Kate McCann diary story in the News of the World, is up next.McCann told the inquiry that publication of the diary left her feeling "violated"."
Jay and leveson trying to establish how Sanderson and Edmondson came to buy a copy of Kate McCann's diary in 2008.
Jay and leveson trying to establish how Sanderson and Edmondson came to buy a copy of Kate McCann's diary in 2008.
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Article under Daniel Sanderson's by-line Guardian Live Blog: "Sanderson explains how he got in touch with a Portuguese journalist and they discussed payment for a copy of the diary. Sanderson then liaised with the news editor at the time, Ian Edmondson.Edmondson hired a freelancer, Gerard Couzens, who is based in Spain to travel to Portugal to meet the journalist and collect the diary.YR: Sanderson says he thought the McCann's had given permission. he knew it was a translation back from the original translation into Portugese and that it must have come from the Portugese police. He checked and cross-referenced against actual events to ascertain it wasn't a fake. Sanderson thought Edmondson had spoken to Clarence Mitchell and got permission. Sanderson says that with hindsight, the publishing of the diary extracts was a mistake. From Guardian Live Blog: "Sanderson says he believes the document came from the Portuguese police. Sanderson says he was concerned about the diaries: "The whole thing caused me concern." YR: He said the version of the diaries published did not include any of his writing in the main body of the story, only on the front page. 'was somewhat mutilated'? - Jay. 'It was changed' says Sanderson. Insists it wasn't his job to check McCann's permission. Knew Edmondson was in almost daily contact with Clarence Mitchell and thought he'd obtained permission. Sanderson wants to give McCanns his apology. Guardian Live Blog: "Sanderson apologises to Kate McCann.Says culture at NoW was high-pressure environment. "In order to work at NoW you have to give a certain part of your life over to it." No good making plans with friends because News editor could call at any time. Says there was no culture of bullying at NoW. Says stories didn't appear if they weren't true. He personally checked tips were true. "So many levels you went through to prove a story was true." Sanderson at |