21 November 2013

Phone-hacking Trial - Day 19

Justice - image taken by @peterjukes, lunchtime yesterday.

Overnight links to reports of yesterday's proceedings:
(to view larger version of the tweets, click on the first and follow the timeline which appears)
2:20 p.m:

James Weatherup

From Guardian Media Monkey Feb 2013 re Daisy Dunlop:
Daisy Dunlop, News International's director of communications, is off to New York to join Robert Thomson's planning and strategy team. In her new job as vice president strategy and planning, Dunlop will be working with Will Lewis and Anoushka Healy, two other ex Wappingites relocating to NY. This will be seen as a just reward for the two years slog as the company's indomitable firefighter-in-chief during the phone-hacking scandal. Dunlop has worked for News International for more than 12 years, including several years for former chief executive Rebekah Brooks, and was highly regarded by her peers and the journalists covering the beat. Day in, day out – night in, night out even – as another phone-hacking revelation broke, another drama in a court room flared up, or another journalist was arrested, Dunlop was always available on the end of the phone, even if it was to offer the all-too-frequent "we won't be commenting".