12 April 2012

IPCC Publish 2 Reports on Fedorcio, Yates, Wallis and Tiplady

April 12th:

Deborah Glass IPCC
Link to IPCC Reports

Twitter - 11:08 @DannyShawBBC : 
IPCC reports into John Yates+Dick Fedorcio: "professional boundaries became blurred, imprudent decisions taken and poor judgement shown”
IPCC finds that Fedorcio "effectively employed" ex-NoW exec Neil Wallis"prior to a written contract being prepared or signed"
Twitter 11:13 @JoshHalliday:
Dick Fedorcio leaving before Met could bring misconduct proceedings could be "hugely damaging to public confidence," says IPCC 
Twitter 11:11 @lisaocarroll:
IPCC: John Yates’ "showed poor judgement in forwarding the CV" of Wallis's daughter to HR who then felt they were 'expected' to get her job
April 13th: